

  • Thanks so much for all the input everyone! I made sure to up the tension on my elliptical a bit, and double checked my diet diary. And today I see I really did lose 5 lbs! So not a ton, but not bad! I am happy to have some progress, and glad to know others were slow to see the results start too! Many thanks!
  • I get 2100 when I exercise, 1400 when I dont. I dont usually eat back all my exercise calories (like tonight, I ate 1750). I eat oatmeal and coffee every morning, and am trying to do better with water....
  • "_Pilates for Wimps" is a great one; hard work, but i do this one when i am just not up to the treadmill....great stretch!!
  • i just had the same urge! must be the fact that its the dead of winter; i have done very well watching my calories, then the last 2 days i felt like i was starving and just wanting to snack. must be survival instincts, trying to make us put on weight to keep warm lol