

  • Thanks for the link to the primal blueprint. Checking it out! So far sounds like just what I need! :happy:
  • I started the day before yesterday. I already feel great! My water retention has decreased and my energy levels are up. Make sure you get plenty of protien and good fat! And complex carbs! Dark leafy green veggies! Since I couldnt figure out a way for MFP to calculate net carbs, I set my goal at 25 carbs/day. So far I've…
  • I do less than 30 a day, but my husband does p90x and runs 8 miles 3 times a week, and he can't do it. He needs more instant energy on days he exercises. He does about 100 carbs a day. I don't know if that helps.
  • I have celiac disease and high protein with low glycemic index carbs seems to be doing the trick in terms of my water retention, headaches, and other issues that didn't completely resolve in my first 6 months gluten free. I also had gestational diabetes with all three of my kids, popping out 10+ pounders while I was on…
  • I'm also a stress eater, so what I do is continue to log my food faithfully even if I don't actually try to stick to my calorie goals for that time. That way I at least pay attention to what I am eating, and have a greater chance of thinking, "do I really want that, I have to log it." The other thing that has really helped…
  • Hi all, I have both Hashimotos and Rheumatoid Arthritis, and I feel like crap when I eat wheat, so I totally understand the relationship between auto immune and wheat. I've found that I only feel really good when I go on a low carb diet, with no wheat products at all. I'm happier, have less joint pain, greater energy, and…
  • Hi Debra, I also have RA. I struggle with the weight gain that seems to be systematic from my unwillingness to exercise when I hurt, which is nearly everyday this time of year. I can't wait til summer! I've not had to go down the steriod route, but I've been on biologic agents (humira), plaqunil, a variety of NSAIDS (none…