

  • I know how you feel. I've been on MFP for 14 weeks and have a similar weight loss goal as yourself. It wasn't until about week 10 that I could really "see" a difference. Even with walking being my only exercise, I could see AB MUSCLE! And my clothes started fitting better and I went down a size. I've hit the lack of…
  • Hey Fergielose, Prednisone is the DEVIL!! That's what started my weight gain NIGHTMARE so I totally sympathize! Best of luck to you!
  • Hey Sadie. Best of luck to you on your goal! Don't forget to adjust your profile after every ten lbs you lose. I just saw that little tidbit yesterday and needed to readjust mine. I'm also hoping to be close to my goal by midsummer as well. I'm down 12 lbs since Jan 3. Hang in there. We can DO this!
  • I'm new to the forums as well. Started MFP on January 3 and have lost 12 lbs. I think the Valentine Candy was a little too much for me this past week. I was only down 1.2 instead of my 2 lbs and I exercised my BUTT off. Ah well, today starts a new week for me.