

  • well Im sure just a One a day Women's vitamin will definitely help, ive noticed that since Pcos causes my period to go so crazy, I don't have enough iron. So I haven't yet but I am going to get some iron supplements for sure. my Aunt who is endocrinologist, highly recommends taking daily vitamins.
  • OH brother do I know about bad periods. I don't even think that it should even been called a period more like a blood bath....... I have huge clots like cra cra!!! Ive noticed that many of you ladies don't have a period for a while then have a crazy one... I never stop bleeding maybe ill go a week but if I get to active or…
  • This gave me some hope. I recently found out that I had Pcos within this last year... It has been very hard on me and your words give me hope that the things I want most in life are a possibility. Thank you.