

  • There is a really good one called Stress Reduction and Creative Meditations by Marc Allen, it is a CD by New World Library Audio. My massage therapist recommended it because I also have trouble getting my body and mind to relax. On the back it gives a website www.newworldlibrary.com. It is soooo soothing.
  • Maybe you can work snacks in as planned eating, that way you don't feel like you are giving up by snacking and you can have more control over what you are eating. I tihnk part of this whole thing is learning to discipline yourself. That sounds pretty boring but it can be really rewarding.
  • I have found this a bit confusing, too, and just guess alot of times. It feels a bit obsessive sometimes which is why I have rejected other plans that require me to count calories.
  • Living in a northern climate with the winter darkness makes me want to hibernate. I feel so tired in the afternoons, too, unless I have exercised. Can you exercise at lunch or at least take a walk? Being anemic is certainly something that can be checked easily with a blood test and one symptom is tiredness. Good Luck.