

  • A lone, little (not!) turtle in the beautiful waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Awesome!!! I can't wait to start!! I wanted to start today but wouldn't be able to do anything this weekend so I figured I'd better wait. I'm sure that being afraid of it didn't have anything to do with it one bit. lol Great idea about the group! I will look into it up when I can sit down at the computer. I can't wait!
  • I lost almost 30 last fall and kept it off for a year. I wasn't counting calories at the time so I'm not sure what my intake was. I cut out all pop and sweet tea and started watching portions. I also did a 45 minute spin class twice a week. The pounds just melted off for the most part. I now wish I had started counting…
  • I bought that magazine too! All were such an inspiration! That magazine started the weight loss conversations with my husband. He found MFP about two weeks ago and we've been doing great. Between the two of us, we've already lost 13.4 pounds!
  • Hi! I'm 33, a part time photographer with 3 kids, 4 cats, 2 dogs, a hubby. I want to lose approximately 100 pounds but what the scale says doesn't matter as much as size. I guess you could say my ultimate goal is to be a toned 8 or 10. I'm thinking an 8 may be too skinny though. Anyone feel free to add me if you'd like.…