I lost about 80 pound 6 years ago. Then, the same thing happened to me. I broke my foot and my exercise routine went out the window never to return. It is so hard to make part of the routine again. The fact that you can exercise at all with four children is amazing. I could hardly find time with two. Good luck. Having done…
I just saw your post. Congratulations and I am amazed. I am having trouble losing 30 lbs. All I can say is "Amazing". That would be a huge amount of work. You should be so proud of yourself!
Congratulations! Very inspirational. I think a nutrition class is in order for me. I try to eat right but I have no idea what I should really be eating and I don't know how to choose a varied diet or cook better food. I tend to stick to fruit and fat free stuff because it is easy to figure out. I have been very careful to…
Good Luck! I hope to run at least a 10K again soon. I use to run every day and lost 70 pounds about 6 years ago. I have gained 30 back over the past 3 years and have not exercised at all in two. I am trying to get back on track and make it routine again and not something I think about doing, but feel like it is just part…
Thanks. I didn't know if I should be worrying about the sugars from fruit or not.