@Goteammeagham - Yes i am splitting them up and trying to eat every 2-3 hours! Thanks for the tip!
She looks bloody amazing!! Would be interested in getting some tips if you could spare any. I am 130lb and have a leanish figure. I love cardio but have just got into weights. Currently squatting 47.5 kg but 60kg in my summer goal. SHE LOOKS GREAT - everyone should stop hating, everyone could only wish to look like that!!
Thanks for this. I think i just needed some clarifcation and some reassurance. It feels so wrong eating so many calories when people on here eat so little. Yes i am quite lean, i have very muscley legs from cycling most days (walking at the moment due to snow!). Thanks for just saying 'YES' - In my head i think 2400…
Thanks Bathsheba_c! I know i can cut a bit thats all - I wont go extreme, Its because i hate my legs they make me very self-concious. I will try eating more for sure then, i just wanted other opinions. Maybe a goal for 2000 cals is in order thanks for your advise.