My wife is middle school librarian and had me read all 3 since the kids were so nuts over them. The books don't glorify the killing of the kids in any way, the kids/people in the books are just coping with the situation they are in. The author doesn't go out of her way to add lots of gory details. We read an interview…
A doctor told me that whenever you change the type of food you are eating (like, no veggies for awhile then you start eating them again) that the flora/fauna (bacteria) in your intestine has to change to match it. Bacteria that was good at handling one diet style won't work as well when you change things up, until it has…
You could use a padded foot stool, in a similar way that you would use a ball. I use one just because the floor hurts my back in general when I do sit ups.
Supposedly the program will re-calculate your calorie needs every time it registers a 10lb loss, but it will also change if you happen to go into your settings and hit the save button with whatever your new weight is.
I have them almost every morning! I add a piece of cheese to help the flavor. You can eat a cup (same as 4 eggs) of them for 120 calories, plus 60 for the cheese and that carries me through to lunch with no hunger. They ARE more expensive than eggs but 1 real egg has about 71% of your daily cholesterol "requirement"…