

  • I found it much more challenging to take care of myself when I was an undergrad. Actually, it's the period when I put on most of my weight. Stress eating, lack of exercise, skipping meals. My metabolism was completely out of whack. I was a commuter at the time and would always go without eating until 5:30-6pm when I got…
  • Like some have said, I add water to my orange juice too. Sometimes I'll fill the cup up with some ice cubes. I'll usually end up with about 4 oz instead of 8. I really love orange juice! :P
  • I've made this recipe before, minus the sugar and white wine vinegar, but with a pinch of cayenne. It was absolutely wonderful. ETA: Of course, hand mixing can be very tricky--the emulsifying process, that is. I really need a food processor!
    in EGGS?? Comment by siduri January 2011
  • Mmmm, Kashi GoLean Crunch! Honey Alomnd. Yumm...