

  • yeah pretty much what's been said, just try and stick or just under 1200 per day (that's what I've done) and the more exercise you do the better. yeah you can eat more but you will lose more weight and tone up if you just stick to the 1200. I only joined last monday and I lost 3lb last week.
  • Cheers Anne Yeah i'm sure if we stick to it and are realistic when tracking your food then I'm sure that there should be some movement! lol. Good luck x
  • Hi I joined on Monday and so far am loving it. It really is making me think twice about what I am having. I am on the 1200 calories and finding that I can still pretty much eat what I want because of the exercise. I used to be really fit and a size 8 before I had my baby but she is two now and I am a size 12!!! Not happy!!…
  • Hi I have just joined this minute. Need to shift at least 2 stone since having my baby 2 years ago. Just not been able to shift it. Think this really will get me motivated to cut down and get my *kitten* in gear. x