I'm a little taller than you, but at about your same starting weight. Curious what daily dietary goals (cal/fat/protein etc) you were using and the frequency of your workouts. Thanks for sharing.
The women's world record for the half marathon is 1 hour, 5 minutes ( I think whatever app you are using is not very accurate. That said, you look great! Keep it up.
I just did this again, and my HR as measured by the treadmill was the exact same as my HR as measured by my Garmin 210.
How about going for a run and in the middle, stop for 15 seconds and take your pulse. Compare your results to Garmin and Polar. That should give you an idea of which is more accurate. My Garmin gets wonky on me sometimes. Reports HR that is way to high, like I should be dead high. That usually only happens when I have not…
For me it was number 5. I went from 252 to 180 (lost 72 pounds) to 239 (gained 59 pounds) to 226.5 (lost 12.5 again). The 59 gained was when we had 3 kids in 5 years. I went from working out frequently, including training for a half-ironman with my wife, to not working out very much at all. I am also a tired eater. When I…
All I can do is report my experience. I use a HRM (Garmin 210). I input my gender and current weight into both the treadmill and the HRM. The treadmill (and MFP) generally reports more calories burned than my HRM. If I forget my HRM and am on the treadmill, I usually take about 2/3 to 3/4 of what it reports and count that.…
Thanks for sharing, and looking good! How tall are you? I have/had similar starting points and goals and am just curious as to how we compare in stature. Thanks.
Body Glide fixes all. But if you really want something different, my wife had a sports-bra/hrm combo I think. You could search for that to see if it might work for you.
Swimming: What about your local park district for a pool? Around me, you can swim there for free, or for a modest amount (which may not be low enough for you). Rowing: This could be an option? There is a lot of knee movement, but no impact really. You would probably need to do this at a gym, or buy a rowing machine for…
I would like an invite, assuming there is still room.