sez_rayner Member


  • Height 5.3 SW: 182 Size 14/16 UK CW: 143 Size 12 UK Initial Goal weight: 140 (a stubborn 3lbs to go woo!) New Goal Weight: 126-133 depending on how I feel and look, Now its more about getting into a size 10 UK pair of jeans!
  • Christmas is going to be sooo hard!! I might be on stage 3 by then, but then again I might not! But we can have the turkey and the veg! Another tip is always have plenty of what you can eat in the house (or prepped for days out) the worst times are when you're feeling hungry but you have nothing you are allowed to eat -…
  • Amazing keep it up!! Im at the same point as you! Now combining cardio and strength - 4pounds off my original goal wieght - taking forever - but now focusing more on toning up than what the scale is saying!
  • Hey! I've been on the diet since 16th August - coming up to near my original goal of loosing 3stone! 1/4 stone to go!! I follow it pretty strict, Im very proud of the fact I havnt cheated once ... oh apart from alcohol (Im a student and also the social secretary for my waterpolo team!) but I just stick to vodka and diet…
  • I started yesterday! Day two today! Nervous and excited all at the same time! I'm doing 6days of attack and hoping to loose 40pounds in total, I know it will be a long journey but having this very strict plan I think will help! Feel free to add me!