SS_86 Member


  • The White Chocolate Peanut Butter spread is mind blowing!
  • Same thing here...actually feel the need to let people know I'm sweaty before it happens and they're surprised! lol In the gym, I don't care much - expect when I'm dripping all over and no one else is (including the big boys!)...I just try to keep in mind to wipe everything down. I've had Trainers who are surprised by how…
  • The old standby of hummus and vegetables? Cherry tomatoes, mini cucumbers, cauliflower, peppers sliced up. I'm a big snacker at work too and I tend to rely on those go-to veggies and sometimes sunflower seeds (already shelled) because they are tiny and take time to get through a serving of. Also, I've just been drinking…
  • I like a little spam-y, but has a lot of great, easy to read information about certain foods. Includes info on how to prepare ingredients in simple recipes. Good luck.