cspearl Member


  • I have a Fitbit One that I like a lot for tracking my steps, sleep, etc. The nice thing about the Fitbit is that you can add friends and do challenges so it's a good motivator. I also have a Polar FT4 to track my heart rate and calorie burn during workouts. It's nice for things like swimming and weight lifting that you…
  • I spray a microwave-safe bowl with cooking spray, drop an egg white into the bowl, add some spinach, and microwave for 40 seconds. Then I put that on a toasted whole wheat English muffin with a slice of reduced fat cheese. Melt under the broiler for a few seconds and bam! easy and healthy breakfast sandwich that you can…
  • You don't really want to eat much less than your basal metabolic rate as that may cause your body to think that it is starving and it will want to hold on to calories rather than expend them. Less calories is not necessarily better, it's about finding the right amount of calories for your body. Also it's important to…