The thing I get picked on the most for is I like to eat one thing on my plate at a time, starting with my least favorite item or the item that needs to be eaten first because it doesn't taste as good if it sits around, like tacos. Tacos that sit for too long get soggy and then the shell falls apart when you try to eat it…
It helps to divide the 1,200 calories into 3 meals of 300 calories, plus one snack of 300 calories or two snacks of 150 calories. Spreading the calories out over the day keeps you from being so hungry. That's worked for me, anyway.
I had to fight myself to keep on walking when I was doing that for exercise because I hated it but then I switched to biking, which I've always loved, and now I look forward to getting my exercise! You might want to switch to something you actually enjoy so exercise isn't such a chore. Or combine walking with something…
So when a cow laughs, does milk come out it's nose?
Positives: 1. My body isn't as physically uncomfortable at night so I'm able to sleep better. 2. I can fit into smaller, cuter clothes. 3. My cholesterol, iron levels, blood sugar levels and all that are where they should be so I feel better about my health. Negatives: 1. I get grumpy as heck when I get hungry. The…
I wish I wasn't such a bread/cereal lover. It would make it so much easier to lose weight! I can't live on meat and vegetables alone. I need my Life cereal, Lucky Charms, granola, crescent rolls, flaky layer biscuits, English muffins, bagels and donuts. Plus how can you enjoy a peanut butter sandwich without any bread?? Or…
I go first by the nutritional information on the package of the product I buy (when available), then by what the USDA says.
I confess to nearly dumping my homemade pizza on the floor at lunchtime when I took it out of the oven and picking up toppings that fell on the floor and eating them anyway. I already put all those calories on my food tracker so I wasn't about to just throw them away!
The first time I have a craving, I'll tell myself, I can have what I want but just not now. If I still want it the following day, I'll work it into my menu plan. Most of the time by the following day, that craving is over and I'm wanting something else! Sometimes I'll continue this for a few days, telling myself each time…
Tallahassee. My grandparents and uncles used to live in Clearwater and I lived in Orlando for a while when I was interning at Disney World. I've also lived in Naples. My dad lives in Venice so I visit there occasionally.
I only measure the distances I walk during my breaks at work, not the steps I take all day.
I have on a few days but I haven't been at this long enough to see if it helps. I'm still working on finding the right daily calorie limit for myself. I just wasn't sure if I should be eating more or eating less so that's why I thought I'd ask what others are doing. I think eventually the weight has to start coming off…
Yes, I weigh weekly. On my previous MFP diet, I weighed daily for a while just to get used to the fluctuations in my weight during the week. I was thinking about trying to weigh once a month but I'm too impatient to weight that long!
I try to go by the serving size on the products I use. I do have a food scale and I use it for items that have the weight in grams or ounces. I make sure the user-entered product data here is the same as on the packaging. Jason's deli has a nutrition calculator on their website so I used that to figure out my serving sizes…
I lost a lot of weight on MyFitnessPal 4 years ago but ended up gaining it back. I'm giving it another try and now it seems like the system is different. I remember that last time I ate my calories back when I exercised because if I didn't I plateau'd. This time, I lost 4 pounds the first week, but then gained a half pound…
I like to weigh myself every morning to start the day off with my weight loss goals in mind. It helps me get in the right frame of mind to do my exercise, drink my water, and log everything in. I don't get discouraged by temporary ups and downs because I've been doing this long enough to expect them. The only weighing that…
My two biggest challenges are I hate exercising and I have way too many food associations, that is foods I like to eat together instead of having one or the other. A thin person craving French fries will go to McDonalds, get their fries, and be perfectly happy. If I'm craving fries, I'll get the fries, a double…
I tend to get stuck on a plateau 6 months into a diet so this time, I plan to go to a maintenance plan for about a month when I plateau and just let my body readjust. After that, I'll scale the calories back down again and get back to losing weight! For smaller plateaus, I've found that increasing my calorie count just a…
One thing I've learned from a long history of dieting is not to make too big of an issue of falling off the wagon. The more you berate yourself, the worse you'll feel and you'll need your self-confidence to get back on the wagon. Usually, a binge won't do as much damage as you fear it will. The trick is to catch it on time…
6 months later, I'm still here and I'm down 53 pounds! I still have a way to go to get to goal but I'm feeling good about my chances of succeeeding with MyFitnessPal's tools and this community. Here are some recent pictures of me.
I weigh myself every day and I see nothing wrong with that. It works for me!
I don't log when I have coffee with creamer at work. I figure the calories are too few to worry about and I've still been losing weight so I'm doing alright. I usually only have one cup. For exercise, I've been playing the keyboard as part of my exercise. I walk two miles a day and supplement it with playing the keyboard.…
I'm hoping to get asked out on a date! Men don't notice me at the weight I am, or at least they just don't like what they see. Maybe if I was a more normal size, they wouldn't be intimidated or put off by me, or ashamed to be seen with me.
Hehehee, that's funny! My middle name is Sue, named after my mom whose middle name was Susan. You're a psychic!
BTW, I have no problem with calling substitute foods by the name of the food they were inspired from. Who says pizza only can be made with a flour crust?? If I want to call cauliflower crust pizza crust, that works for me. If you don't, call it what you want but don't have the nerve to tell me I'm wrong. Words are…
I don't see anything wrong with people posting creative alternatives to their favorite foods. It's not like you HAVE to eat it if that kind of thing doesn't appeal to you. Why ruin it for others who might want to try those recipes??? If you want to have a smaller serving of real fries, that's fine, but don't knock people…
I used to hate getting my period when I was trying to lose weight because I knew I would have minimal weight loss that week due to water retention. However, I discovered that if you can fight the cravings and not give in, you can lose a huge amount of weight the following week. As for chocolate, I used to budget a small…
Plateaus are what have killed most of my diets. I try to hang in there but after a few months, I can't do it anymore without getting results. I try to figure out what I'm doing wrong (do I need to eat less? eat more? exercise more? exercise less?) and nothing seems to push me past it. I do have one good plateau story,…
It's so dang slow!!! I want what I want when I want it. It takes so much time and effort to get the weight off. In the meantime, idiot people still make snide comments about how much you weigh and why don't you get on a diet, not knowing that you already ARE on a diet and might have already lost significant weight.
I'll probably stay at home with my kitty cats, crying, and consoling myself with a Double Baconator. There's more chance of pigs flying than of me actually getting a date for Valentine's Day.