marieann82 Member


  • I would love to get it if possible! Thanks.
  • Thanks for the advice twinmom!
  • I just did my first stage 1, workout A. I have been doing NROL4L for the last month, so I decided to bump my reps to 12 instead of 15 (10 for prone jackknife). Squat: 65lbs, 12 reps, 2 sets (Can anybody give me pointers on how the bar is suppose to feel--I find it rather uncomfortable--is that normal?) Pushups: 8 reps,…
  • Have you used IIFYM or another calculator that may be able to let you know if you're eating enough for the amount of lifting you are doing? You are doing awesome. Your friend may be having huge success right now, but if you stay on your path, so will you! Weight training is a completely…
  • I'm new here... And was looking forward to starting NROL4W today (been doing NROL4Life the last month) but had to get my permanent crown placed this morning. I have to get my little man from preschool now, so didn't have time to get my first lift in. Guess it's Friday for me. Would of preferred lifting over the dentist.
  • Thanks for adding me! I am in awe of your running 20-30 miles a week!
  • Thank you so much! I understand needing to give yourself a break from journaling food intake. Awesome to have you as friend!
  • Thanks for the info...will look at Bodyspace, too.
  • Hi. My name is Marie and I live in Montana. I have two amazing kids--my daughter is 6 years old and my son is 5. My husband and I work together out of our home (I work part-time until both my kids are in school in the fall). I joined MFP a year ago and was in great shape doing Jillian's Body Revolution. I felt great. This…
  • Those of you who are using jefit--is it the free app or the purchased app? I think the purchased app can upload stats to your computer? Have any of you tried that? Getting the book today! Trying to figure out the best way to take the routine to the gym.
  • I took their vitamin (not weight loss) shakes 5 years ago. I felt great and had tons of energy. But....I couldn't budget it in anymore, didn't want to sell it, and trying to drink a big old shake twice a day was getting old.
  • I am a huge steel cut oats fan-much more delicious than the rolled oats/old fashioned oats. Simmer it on the stove while you get ready in the morning and add in nuts, fruit, fruit spreads, chocolate chips-whatever strikes your fancy. My kids love it with cherries or raspberries and a 1/2 tablespoon of chocolate chips. I…
  • I think you should listen to your nutritionist about your daily requirements-she/he knows you and your body, health, and medical past. 1200 calories may be enough for some people but not all-unfortunately weight loss is not some one-size-fits-all system. It is possible for 1200 calories to work awesome for one person but…
  • Awesome work! A 7# lose is great! I am half way through my second round of BR and have not lost weight. I am much more muscular though. I think it's like 10-15# for a pant size-but that all depends on the person and their body. Just keep up the awesome work and you will be noticing your progress.
  • Inspiring! You look amazing!
  • Started my second round several weeks ago and using 10lbs for everything. It is so much easier this time around. I love that I can really push myself. It is nice to own those burpees.
  • I have heard good things and bad things about The Zone diet. The crossfitters around here love Paleo-which the hubby and I did last summer and loved. If you've read the book and think it's something you can do and enjoy, than I think you should go for it. You can always revamp in a few weeks if you don't dig it.
  • Really awesome. :)
  • Not judging at all-but 19 vodkas? I have done some serious drinking in my life, but this has alcohol poisoning written all over it. Be careful-especially if you haven't drank in a while! Try to alternate a drink with a big glass of water. If you are dancing you'll need the hydration, plus you won't feel like @$$ the next…
  • I decided this morning to do round two. I completed the program minus the last two weeks (due to a massive head cold before my family vacation). Had great results and want to do it again with 10 pounders. I will most likely start in at workouts 3 and 4 since it was only a few weeks ago that I was at workouts 9 and 10.
  • Just starting JM's 30 day slim down routine today, so I will be alternating 30DS with No More Trouble Zones and Boost Metabolism. I've finished the 30DS before-it's an awesome workout for such little time. Keep up the awesome work!
  • That is plain crazy. Are these the same people in the same area everyday? Could you change your route instead of your time? Maybe enlist your hubby to go running with you? Sorry about your situation.
  • I would like to join! Let me know what to do! Thanks.
  • Great job, yaybazinga. Who else is still with us?
  • I love all of her dvd's-however, I feel like I have gotten the best results out of her Body Revolution series. I choose which one I want to do based on time restraints-20-30 minutes a day is doable. No More Trouble Zones and Boost Metabolism are longer, so although I have done them, I don't do them religiously like I will…
  • I did kickstart and lost 5lbs but since then I have gained it and a pound back. I am on Phase 3. My arms are toned and my belly is shrinking ever so slowly. I feel like a bad *kitten*. I haven't loss weight but friends say it looks like I have dropped "lots of weight". I try to eat healthy and within the 1200 calories but…
  • Moved on to Phase 3. It's crazy that even after 9 weeks of this I still feel like a truck ran me over the day after starting a new workout. Doing 10 today. 9 is not as hard as 7 was, although still a challenge! I have heard cardio 3 is brutal. I am having a hard time staying on track as food goes. Trying to get my mind in…
  • I sent all of you a friend request.