marieann82 Member


  • Jamaica- Awesome work sticking to your goals. Keep it up! Beeps- When is "diner en blanc"? Cannot wait to hear about the secret location. Bepee- Awesome commitment to MFP and logging. Very inspiring! Redlipstick- Today is day 6 of whole30. So far I am doing very well. I went through a slight "Kill all the things" stage on…
  •'s an elimination diet (lean, unprocessed proteins, lots of veggies, some fruit are allowed). After 30 days I can add food to see how it effects me mentally and physically. I need STRICT right now--get my mind back in the game. It's less about weight loss and more about mind-body-food connection. Giving up my wine…
  • Workout 2B went better yesterday. Didn't hate it as bad as the first time. My legs are achy this morning so glad I was able to feel like I made some progress. I used the BOSU ball since my gym doesn't have a low step. Wish they did.... I am starting Whole 30 on Thursday. My energy has been so low, my tummy has been weird,…
  • Not so sure how much I like Workout 2B. I really don't understand the prone cuban snatches. It feels so strange to be kneeling on the bench and even more strange trying to sit on the bench. I also didn't have time to do my HITT after lifts--so doing that in the morning. I always eat before I lift, even if it's only a…
  • jdgro- Inspirational article. I love it when people kick cancer's @ss. Thanks for sharing. Wow--lots of new ladies continue to join. Welcome! I luckily was able to get to the gym on Thursday to start Phase 2. And I was able to squeeze in 10 mins of HITT yesterday morning before heading up to GS camp. Feeling pretty tired…
  • Hi Ladies. I am back from my road trip. Totally feeling yucky, too, from sitting in a car for 28+ hours and eating poorly. Spent yesterday at work and doing laundry and yard work. Looking forward to starting Phase 2, but have to wait until Monday since I will be up in the mountains with my daughter at Girl Scout camp…
  • Sunshine--glad you are feeling great and are able to lift again! Sue + Sam--great attitudes and points. Really trying to get my mindset at that place as well. :) Dnamouse--awesome job scoring that squat rack. Have fun with your little ones before they go to Grandma's house. I almost wonder if I will do my other…
  • Runzalot--I hear you...AMRAP's were pretty boring today. I did push myself to fatigue on all but step-ups. I feel like jello now. What is the idea behind AMRAP's anyways. I am sure I read it in the book but cannot recall why we do it. So my goals for this week are: No eating/drinking (other than H20) after dinner. Nightly…
  • I am so glad that this group is so honest about things. Like I said earlier, I am sick of Phase 1--and I so have not been motivated to eat well or do my nightly walks with the dog. I am glad I am not alone when it comes to motivation. It's good to hear we all feel a little unmotivated sometimes. Do ya'll just ride it out?…
  • Looking forward to my last week in phase 1. I have been excited about moving into stage 2 for weeks now. I hope the other stages move a little faster? My daughter is finally out of school for summer! Now I need to find a way to stay on track with lifting at the gym with work and kids home 4 day of the week (they are going…
  • Lifted only two times last week. It's been so going after my back injury. I haven't really been able to add much weight. My back was mildly sore last week. And I was super exhausted. Been eating like crazy (TOM) and drinking a fair amount of wine and beer. Not sure why. Everything just tastes good. TOM never used to affect…
  • Beeps--thank you so much for sharing that quote!
  • Beeps-what is the Venus plan? Crazy morning. Ended up going to Qudoba 2 hours past my usual lunch time. Cannot believe I scarfed a 1000+ calorie burrito in nearly 5 mins. Trying to decide to take time off work to volunteer at my daughters Girl Scout Day Camp. I really would like to but it's 9-4:30 Mon-Friday and really…
  • I had an awesome 3 day weekend camping in the mountains with my family. Lots of hiking, climbing on rocks, and lots of EATING! Felt tired and a little wore down from packing out yesterday so decided to do a 20 min HITT video off Fitness Blender. I thought my legs were going to give out during intervals. As of now, still on…
  • Three chiropractor appointments and a massage later and I am 95% recovered from whatever I did to my back. Giving it one more day and getting back into the gym. Going to cut back my weights and go slow. NancyRose--Awesome work! Thank you for sharing the photographs. Keep it up. Can't wait to see what the next year brings…
  • Awesome work Lola! I loved hearing your story and seeing the pics! You look ripped!
  • Thanks for the advice BarbellCowgirl, I appreciate it. I might sub some of those moves in for dead lift once I get back to the gym until I feel comfortable with dead lifting again--with proper form and a trainer by my side. I really enjoy dead lifts. I think my mind was somewhere else when it should of been on excellent…
  • So, I really hurt my back dead lifting on Wednesday morning. I've been to the chiropractor twice and had a massage. It's been rough. And I am SO MAD AT MYSELF! I must of rounded my back. My back tweaked and pinched my sciatic nerve and my psoas muscle took the brunt of it. First night was so painful that I simultaneously…
  • THIS! I think a lot of people would be surprised how much of their own food they could grow and raise--even an urban setting. Prices are not some arbitrary thing. It's supply and demand. Somebody said food should be free...I hope they were joking or at least don't mind working to grow their own food (although it still…
  • Bepeejaye- Awesome work! Pretty cool to see the body fat decrease and have progress pictures that help visualize that decrease. Keep it up! Love hearing about your progress of chin-ups and pull-ups. Those are hard-core. What is bikinigeddon? I've gained 6 pounds since starting NROL4W. I feel amazing, though, and the hubby…
  • Awesome plank time!
  • Feel free to add me as a friend, too. I am just starting Workout 5, Stage 1 so I am not too far into the program, yet.
  • Also, download the Werkit workout sheets for NROL4W. It helps a lot. You'll need to answer a few questions in order to download them--you'll just need your book handy.
  • Your weight loss is amazing! Very inspiring!
  • Happy Birthday, dnamouse! NSV: I added 10#'s to my dead lift this morning--60lbs plus the bar (I don't know what the bar weighs?) Pretty happy about that. Feeling jittery and drank down my protein when I got home. Is anybody more hungry on recovery days then lifting days? I certainly am. My sweet MIL sent my a Macy's card…
  • So it doesn't matter which activity? Can I do 30-1 minute burpees and then 1-2 mins of walking or squats?
  • Some dude totally dominated the squat rack the entire time I was working out today. So no squats for me today (my favorite!) I ended up getting there later than my normal time, so I hope that if I'm not late again, it won't be an issue. I feel like too much of a newbie to try to squat without the rack. I subbed the leg…
  • I friended both of you on JeFit. My username is Merrypepper.