Finished. Now what?

LolaDeeDaisy23 Posts: 383 Member
I finished NROLFW in 8 months.
A little about myself:
I have never been a "skinny" girl. I was always just a little bit "thick"
After I found out about mfp, I started logging my food and becoming obsessed with the "You will weigh ___ much in 2 weeks."
I went from 135 pounds to 114 pounds. I always thought after I reached my goal weight of 120 I'd love my body. 120 came, I hated how I looked so pushed for 115 and got 114. I still hated my body. If anything, I was more self conscious with the weight loss than when I was 135. Everyone asked if I was okay. My mom swore I was starving myself.
No, mom. I'm only eating 1200 calories. That's not starvation.
But it was. I was miserable.
Fast forward to September 2013, I wanted to try weight lifting since I didn't like the results from being a cardio bunny.
When I started NROLFW, I increased my intake from 1200 to 1850-2050.
My goal was not to lose more weight but to change my body. I wanted to be confident in my skin.
I stopped wearing v neck shirts because you could see the bones on my chest. Gross.

Those of you who are interested in NROLFW, do it.
It changed my life. It gave me back my sanity.
I actually thought I had to eat at 1200 calories a day to maintain my weight and I am so glad NROLFW saved me. It changed me and my mentality about food.
I did NOT go into NROLFW for weight loss. I ate my maintenance calories the whole way through.
What I thought was most important from NROLFW was my new found strength.
When I started, I could barely do 2 real pushups. Now I can do 20. I can also hold a plank for 2 minutes.
Also, I still wear the same size clothes as I did when I was 114. Craaazy.

P.S. It took some tweaking for me to find my maintenance, pretty sure I found it at 1800-2000<3

5'3. 118 pounds. 21% bf.
Waist: 26.5 inches
Hips: 35 inches
Right Bicep(90°): 9.25 inches
Right Thigh: 21 inches

Ending Stats:
5'3. 123 pounds. ?% bf.
Waist: 26 inches
Hips: 36 inches
Right Bicep(90°): 10 inches
Right Bicep (extended): 9.75 inches
Right Thigh: 22 inches


  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    This is such an awesome post! Congrats on finishing!! I love it when folks discover how much they can EAT!! I also love the mental strength that comes with lifting.

    Have you looked into the other NROL in the series? I am halfway through Stage 7 and think I might move onto Stronglifts myself
  • LolaDeeDaisy23
    LolaDeeDaisy23 Posts: 383 Member
    Omg seriously! I feel like such a badass when I do my deadlifts lol
    Lifting gives me a high & confidence that I never felt with cardio<3
    Thank you for taking the time to read my story❤
  • phitandphree
    phitandphree Posts: 29 Member
    Love your photo's girlie! and I love that you inspired me to start this program! I can't wait to see what you do next hun! AMAZING and HARD WORK sure paid off!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I wish there was a like button! You've done an amazing job....the amount of patience and motivation it takes to see slow changes is incredible! Well done!

    What program are you considering now? I love Supercharged!
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    Awesome work Lola! I loved hearing your story and seeing the pics! You look ripped!
  • lili61
    lili61 Posts: 231 Member
    So great--thanks for sharing!