Daily Chat Thread



  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Marieann, I will preface this by saying I work in healthcare and regularly get to see what chiropractors mess up. So I'm admittedly very wary of chiropractors. I would find a trainer and have them go through form with you once your back has rested and healed. There may be a imbalance in strength that needs to be addressed that caused you to hurt your back. Dead lifting STRENGTHENS the back and core which prevents injury. The guy who helps me with form deadlifts 500lbs- he started DLs because he had chronic back pain from an injury(ruptured disc). His back quit hurting just a few weeks after he started using those muscles properly. Now his case is just anecdotal, but dead lifting is an excellent exercise when done correctly. Of course you can cut out deadlifts if you want, but I don't see the need to unless you're not comfortable doing them. Barbell hip thrusts and weighted glute bridges will work the glutes and hams,but the hard part is hitting the posterior chain and core like a deadlift does. Good mornings are good and weighted back extensions. But any of those can be just as hard on your back if not done with proper form. I really hope your back feels better quick! What a bummer!
  • girlcalledryan
    girlcalledryan Posts: 241 Member
    Hello ladies, I am still trying to get to know who everyone is, and read this thread when I can. I am so impressed by your progress and dedication not just just to the program, but to the group.

    I finished w1b2 yesterday, and am not sore at all. My abs had a twinge yesterday, for around 10 mins, but then all better. DId I not lift enough? I added to almost every exercise based on my notes from the first time.

    barbell and dna, when I have a bad day I usually have a peanut butter and jam sandwich. Which is like my ultimate comfort food, and I don't have to bake anything.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Marieann, so sorry about your back. I don't have any good advice, but I hope you heal fully and quickly.
    Welcome Rzarley! I wouldn't base your "lifting enough" on how sore you are. If it's challenging but not impossible to complete the last rep, you're good. If you want to try more weight, try it. I've had plenty of times of adding weight thinking I could handle it, then having to back it back down the last set because I was failing before the end of the set. Trial and error. You'll find your groove. Being sore doesn't just depend on the weight lifted, it's muscles you're not used to using, movements that you're not used to doing, etc. (<<Totally amateur experience here, so grain of salt and all that :wink: )

    3/3 lifting days DONE! It's been a good week for hitting my goals. I'm going into the weekend strong.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Good job, WillLift!!!!

    rzarley, like Will said, being sore isn't always the best indicator for an effective workout. Mostly base it on how hard the last few reps of an exercise are. The last few should be hard but form should still be perfect. If you feel like you could do a few more reps with those muscles, maybe you're not pushing hard enough. But always, always make sure your form is perfect, that you're using the appropriate muscles and then assess from there. Sometimes I don't need to up my weights, but I'm not doing full range of motion or I'm overcompensating with stronger muscles that shouldn't be working as hard.
    Mmmm, peanut butter sandwiches are my favorite sandwich!
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    Thanks for the advice BarbellCowgirl, I appreciate it. I might sub some of those moves in for dead lift once I get back to the gym until I feel comfortable with dead lifting again--with proper form and a trainer by my side. I really enjoy dead lifts. I think my mind was somewhere else when it should of been on excellent form. What a wake up call to be 100% engaged when lifting, listening to my body, and realizing it's okay not to put weight on every single time, just challenge myself and the progress will come.

    Thanks for the well wishes. Thinking I will be able to get back into the swing of things by Wednesday for sure. Trying to keep my protein up and be good about eating in the meantime. I have a little bit of an emotional eating issue I am working through--and of course, feeling completely unable to get things done isn't helping. Trying to own up to it and kick it.

    rzarley--agreed, there is something so comforting and delicious about a PB&J. Yum!
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    Hi Y'all!

    Just wanted to drop a quick line while I sit in the lodge great hall waiting to check in for my birthday girls weekend away! It's not really till Monday, but celebrating with a great group of women! I am going to splurge till my little hearts content, and deal with with the aftermath GUILT FREE!

    Have a great weekend!
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    LOL I don't like peanut butter :noway: :laugh:
    Besides, I don't eat bread either lol well, that and the only bread in the house is gluten-free and at $6 a small loaf, I save it for the two who really need it :wink: That said, I just had vegemite on toast cos I was desperate for something salty.

    Not sure if I will lift today (it's 8.30am), feeling so tired after squad this morning - DD had an anxiety attack and it was fairly draining. She's ok, just the stress of the week - a mix of national testing (NAPLAN if you want to google it... she puts pressure on herself, the teachers don't) + a new coach + not sleeping the best took it's toll I think.

    No worries though - I've already lifted 3x this week + 2x 30min+ walks. It's all good.

    I bought one of these - http://bit.ly/1nSKLH5 - the other day because my Mum was raving about it. Such an easy, quick and low-mess way to cook eggs. And the kids think it's awesome to have an 'egg sausage'. Miss 10 can even make them all by herself. Only problem is that I think we're going to be spending a lot on eggs :wink:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hello - I had a good workout yesterday then I got food poisoning. I have been under cals ever since- not recommended for weight loss.
    Hope everyone has a good weekend
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Food poisoning=the worst. Hope you're feeling better soon.

    Tough week. Did stage 2b workout last night, Bulgarian split squats are a total burner. Are you supposed to use barbell? I used dumbbells for first time around.

    Looking at diet and cals again I'm 5'5" around 150, age 49, set cals at 1450 since I saw a weight gain in stage 1 when I used the book formula. Can any of you here advise on cals, since you've been at the program longer?

    Thx...appreciate any feedback!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Pmag, feel better soon!

    Mariann, I hear you on the emotional eating! I have BED and it seems to rule my every meal and snack :P Good luck to you! One choice at a time.

    No idea about the dumbell or barbell for that move in stage two but I will be watching for replies as I start that stage on Monday.

    Some cardio for me today...maybe just the elliptical and then some abs.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Hmmm, lots to respond to here.
    Manic, so glad you are enjoying the beach. You look fabulous in your new pic.
    Beeps, I'm envious. We WILL make it Europe one day, just hope I'm young enough to really enjoy it.
    Nancy enjoy your weekend!
    Pm, so sorry about the food poisoning. Definitely NOT a recommended way to loose weight.
    Barbell, I would love to do a cert program. I was thinking of starting with the zumba cert and working from there. I was going to go in March, but life happened.

    Pulling sciatic on a death lift, yup been there done that. The things we learning from experience. Many chiropractors are quacks, My first was. My current I've been with for 16 years and the man is a god-send. He's never told me to stop doing something, but he does warn me to be careful. Back off the weight A LOT and seriously work on form. If this is your first rodeo, first time in stage 1, then you really need to learn good form before adding ANY weight. THe list of exercises Barbell listed are awesome, but learning good form is important with any exercise and having a variety in your repertoire is definitely a good thing.

    DNA sorry about DD, e just finished state testing here. National testing starts next year for all grades and it's INSANE. ANy country that wants to follow the "American" model needs to have the heads examined and then talk to Finland.

    So...My sons birthday was fun had by all. He got donuts for his class in the morning, he picked out his own lunch (poptarts) and he got to choose where we had dinner. He chose pizza which is fine by me and my wallet. Then the traditional carvel cake. Afterwards, off to the movies the sneak preview screening of Godzilla, which was indeed awesome, and we were so full from dinner that we didn't over indulge at the theater. My heavy eating week is over and my "eh, I'm not so hungry week", or as my husband calls it "pheromone week." It's been like that since I changed to the IUD.

    Anywho, I was rudely awoken this morning. I really don't get enough sleep during the week, so I usually sleep until noon on Saturday, everyone knows this. Even if I do get up early I veg and then take a nap. Today, my husband woke me up at 8:30, nicely but still, then my cousin sent out an SOS because they need more help moving my other cousin into his new apartment (he just had a heart attack) and then my aunt (other side of the family) who needs me at my grandmother's to pick up some stuff (already emptying the ladie's house and the for sale is already in the yard). The answer to all is OF COURSE I'll be there, but would it kill you to give me advance notice? So lifting boxes will be my workout today, and my plans with the kids and my mom are screwed. Sorry it's just been four times in two days that I was expected to be accommodating for others and to hell with what I need to do (though helping my cousin is a priority.) Bright side, it's GirlsNightOut and I'm no driving the drunk bus :)
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Pudding, what is BED?

    Sam, you look awesome in your new workout tops.

    There are quacks in every field. My chiropractor is an athlete himself and specializes in athletic related injuries. I like him and he did an awesome job helping me with a recurring IT band problem. One of my previous internal medicine doctors bragged to me that she "ran 13 miles... on the elliptical." :huh: Next.

    I agree with Sam to back off on the weight and focus on good form. Let's pace ourselves :flowerforyou:
  • SuperJo1972
    SuperJo1972 Posts: 113 Member
    Hi Guys :smile:

    I just started NROL and am on wk2. So far I love it's simplicity and I am psyched to think where I will be in 6 months time. :o)

    I am having some difficulty upping my cals/eating enough protein. I need to work on eating more in the first half of the day. But it's a work in progress and I will get there.

    I am starting from a point of very little upper body strength, a weak core and at least decent strength legs. I am really looking forward to starting to feel stronger all over.

    Anyway, just stopped by to say hey :wink: .
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Welcome, Weejo!

    I need to grocery shop and then press on through Stage 3.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Welcome weejo!

    Runzalot, it stands for Binge Eating Disorder.

    This is a cross-post from the stage 2/4 thread but it isn't very active over there and I need to get this worked out for next week, so I am going to post here too. Hopefully that's okay!

    I am starting stage 2 on Monday and am trying to decide how to best arrange my workouts to give myself enough rest, but also get in some cardio. I have about 20 pounds to lose so I am not solely focusing on strength.

    In stage 1 I was lifting M, W, F with about a half hour of cardio on Tues (elliptical or treadmill walk/jog) and usually an hour of spinning on Sat., leaving Thurs. and Sun. as off days.

    I see that Stage 2 Workout B includes some interval training at the end. I have read here that workout B seems especially long and as I already like to try to fit in time to shower and get dressed at the gym, prior to grabbing my toddler from their daycare, I am worried doing the interval training right after workout B will be too much. I see the NROLFW book states that I can do the interval training the day after the lifting, if I prefer. So, I am wondering if a schedule such as the following looks okay;


    M: stage 2 workout A
    Tues: half hour cardio (which I usually try to do as intervals of some sort anyway, versus steady state, just cause I get bored otherwise!)
    W: stage 2 workout B, minus the intervals at the end
    Thurs: intervals from workout B
    F: stage 2 workout A
    Sat: 1 hour spinning
    Sun: off

    Week 2

    M: stage 2 workout B minus intervals
    Tues: intervals from workout B
    W: stage 2 workout A
    Thurs: half hour cardio
    F: stage 2 workout B minus intervals
    Sat: intervals from workout
    Sun: off

    What do you think?
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Welcome weejo!

    So yesterday and today are all about DOMS for me. Went to a new class Thursday - kickfit. I go to combat twice a week but kickfit is actually contact wheras combat isn't. My forearms are killing from punching pads/ bags! Friday I upped my weights at bodypump and now my legs hurt from the squats.... and combat is this morning so that might be interesting, lol. Usually it improves DOMS though, so hoping that will be the case today. I am struggling a bit with shoulders at the moment - they are my weakest part (aside from my dodgy elbow) and I am really pushing them hard. So they are quite painful too..... and I've not had time (or funds!) for my remedial massages..... I don't want to hurt them 'properly'..... hard to know what is normal workout pain and what is injury pain sometimes.... my body is a bit of a wreck right now hahaha.

    Well my uni assignments are all in - hurrah! I am looking forward to claiming back some kind of a life..... starting with claiming back my house. I got in last night and already turned out 2 of the boys bedrooms and cleared out a garbage bag of shoes from the shoe cupboard LOL. The excitement never ends :grumble:

    Have a great weekend all xxx
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    As far as work, all the hard stuff is over. I'm just coasting for the rest of the school year.

    I slogged through 3A tonight. Made some gains but I was fighting myself mentally. I really thought the BWM would suck and gave myself permission to suck. I ended up beating my previous times and finished with a 2:02. :noway: I'm eating my dinner now and then I will wash down my day with a well deserved glass of wine. :drinker:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Runzalot you are burning through the BWM
    Welcome weejo
    Happy bday Nancy
    I have ten 11 year olds sleeping over to celebrate my daughter's bday.

    I thought BED was bulimia eating disorder....

    Jo- I am relieved to hear that someone else has a crazy shoe closet - I swear they reproduce in there.

    The worst of the food poisoning is behind me. I am at a planned break at the end of stage BT 2.
    I didn't make my protein because I was sick but I am going to claim 3/3 because it was impossible.

    Pudding your workouts look good to me.

    Sunshine- your cals sound low to me. The best thread for nutrition advice is Eat Train Progress. There is a lot of good info.

    I am working on my anniversary tomorrow but DH is taking me to a wine country resort Monday night . We even found a last minute babysitter.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Pudding, that schedule looks just fine. Cadio is no longer he devil.
    PM was the sleep over pure mayham or just fun?
    Runz, that time is killer!! I don't think I'e seen faster.
    Jo, congrats on finishing the school year. I love those moments when school is over that I get to just focus on being mom. I'll be working summer school this year, that will be in August :(

    GNO was GREAT. I had two drinks instead of my normal one, and remembered why I came up with the one rule. I don't get drunk but booze seriously affects my equilibrium. The food was awesome and I ended bringing a lot of it home with me. So far so good today. Hubby and I were both a couple of dirty rotten sleep ins and didn't get out of bed until 10am ahhhhh.
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Thanks for the thread suggestion pmagna looks like a lot of good info. When I followed the published calculations I gained 4 lb in stage 1, so I'm down to 1450 cals per day with 109g of protein. I guess going on HRT didn't help in the weight department either, some could be water.

    I'm kinda interested in application - what have real women experienced With the calorie recs and the program. Did anyone find they had to adjust down a bit?

    Took some pictures today, will try to do at the end of each stage.