Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member

    Mary 1) I've never really thought about it. If you're going deep enough there will be a *bit* of a stretch on it. Make sure you're resting your INSTEP on the step/box/bench. For some reason I never got this when I went through NROL4W and I was doing the BSS like a static lunge with rear foot elevated. You probably already know this, but he doesn't explain it in the NROL4W book. In Supercharged, he explains it much better and I've finally realized it is a totally different movement from the static lunge.
    2) The reverse lunge with forward reach? I found it just felt like a deep lunge (quads, glutes, hamstrings). Never really understood the forward reach part. I always just assumed it was designed to increase flexibility.


    Yes, I have the top of my foot resting. It seems like the resting leg is getting the deep stretch and I squeeze my glutes. So I guess that's all I am working.

    As for the reverse lunge, I feel so inadequate. I don't feel a thing besides the lunge part and even that doesn't feel right.

    Yay everyone for shrinking! I would shrink if I would lay off the cookies and chocolate:grumble:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Sweets are definitely my nemesis.

    Thanks for the encouragement, Chubby. We're too hard on ourselves. I really need to be thankful about how I don't have arthritis or back problems like all the other women in my family. And probably won't anytime soon. So, I'm gonna continue with the program. Itty bitty bit by bitty bit.

    I want to get back into running more but this heat... blah.

    I'll be traveling and taking nearly three weeks off between Stage 1 and 2. Trying not to panic. I'm gonna focus on running during that time which will be good for me. I can run anywhere!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Feeling moody and unmotivated/ I think a nap is in order.or the gym IDK. Don't really have anything to contribute right now. Keep lifting ladies.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sam, I understand.

    I am so hungry in this stage! I'll never lose weight if I keep this up!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Hi ladies! Hope you all had a really great weekend! I did, but now it is "back to reality" and the hum-drum of "routine".

    I will lift today (My sched this week is Sun/Tues/Fri) as a result of the Canada Day Monday holiday.
  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    Runzalot, I'm in the same boat. Frustrating, but my weights are going up at the gym, so that's something, right? Yergh. Maybe we're in the plateau-before-the-dramatic-loss phase? Here's hopin'. :flowerforyou:

    I haven't taken my photos yet post Stage 1, but I feel like I can see a difference. Stupid body issues/weight troubles have really screwed up my sense of how I look tho. I'll be posting pics to see if you all see a difference.

    Edited to ask: I'm on a self-imposed break from lifting this week, but realized I really should do it next week, because I'll be on vacay at a cottage (no weight room there. :smile: ) What say you: start Stage 2 today and just do cardio at the cottage on my off week?
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Pearl, that's a good question. I would say do some extra workouts from Stage 1 and start Stage 2 when you come back.

    I played with the measuring tape this morning and it says I've lost a quarter inch at each point except my waist. Which is great! Much more consistent with how I feel and what I seeing early last week. I must've still been bloated on Sunday after some junky eating days. It's all good :drinker:

    What stage are you in, Manic?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    pearl - I'd repeat the last week of Stage 1 this week. For your cottage week, you can take a full-rest break, or, if that doesn't satisfy your exercise-urge, cardio is super-fine!

    runzalot - CONGRATS on tape measure loss - THOSE are my FAVOURITE!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hi all, Wow I missed a whole lot!! i'm reading back through. The trip was great but I'm glad to be home and back in my routine!

    I was back at the gym today. Spin at 5:30 am is TOUGH and the woman who leads this class was REALLY tough today! Tomorrow I lift - I should have gotten up yesterday and lifted but I was still beat up from our ride up from DC mostly in rain! Took twice as long to get home as it should have because we had to stop during the heavy downpours. I ate so much during the 4 days I was away and gained 4 pounds (thank goodness I don't drink, I can't imagine what I would have done with all that too). Back at clean eating again today!

    Mary, Stage 2 was a really tough stage for me too. I felt like I wasn't getting much accomplished and really stuggled with all the lifts. You can do it tho, I know it!!

    Pearl, I finished Stage 1 about a week and a half before I was to go on vacay last year. I did what Beeps suggests. I just repeated the last 2 A&B workouts until vacay started. Then I did lots of cardio - we took the kids and grandkids all over the place - rock climbing, cave hikes etc. and started 2 when I came home.

    Runz congrats on inches lost! Those are the best kind as far as I'm concerned!

    Beeps I want to be just like you. My body recomp isn't going as fast as yours has, but it's going and I'm really pleased with it. Your pics make me realize more than ever that perserverance and consistency is what counts!

    Not much happening for me. Work is busy still, Mike leaves tomorrow for a long weekend with the Ohio family. I have to work on Friday so I'm not going.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    sue - I don't think I'm even in "recomp" stage, yet....I'm still in "fat loss" stage. And, yes, it is taking F-O-R-E-V-E-R. But, I only have the rest of my life, so I'm settled in for the long haul.

    Got my lifting in-and-done. Not gonna lie, after the (weighted) glute bridges, the T-bends and the deadlifts, I BAILED on the single-leg back extensions. My rear end had had enough by then....
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Ouch, Beeps! That sounds delightfully painful.

    Sue, I think you're doing wonderful. You're completely right- consistency is what matters.

    Pearl, I'd do whatever you feel like. Enjoy your break!

    Runzalot, that's so awesome!

    Sam, hope you're feeling better.

    I got called "so stinkin' skinny" today by a very tiny girl at work. Made me blush!

    Yesterday is my last lifting day until next Monday. I haven't had a full week break in several months. Must. Resist. Lifting.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I didn't meet my calorie goals yesterday. Only netted around 1400 and today I'm ravenous. I've eaten all the healthy stuff. Our house is bare because we're getting ready for a big trip so I'm getting into the unhealthy stuff. I've had a pop tart, a granola bar thing, and two bowls of cereal :noway: I'm going to work out and if I'm still hungry, I'm gonna go get a chicken salad or something.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    pearl - I'd repeat the last week of Stage 1 this week. For your cottage week, you can take a full-rest break, or, if that doesn't satisfy your exercise-urge, cardio is super-fine!

    runzalot - CONGRATS on tape measure loss - THOSE are my FAVOURITE!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Is "I don't have anything to wear" a good excuse for missing the gym? Didn't think so. Let me go put in another load of laundry and find something to wear. If I'm dressed, I will force myself to go.

    We were busy today. $1 movie day in the morning. The entire afternoon at the lake (weather cleared up and it was PERFECT.) I'm skipping an association meeting. Bad me. But I WILL go to the gym. I swear I will. Need to go program my new workout into my phone.
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    on vacation and no lifting but lots of activity. I volunteered this morning for the most fun thitng..I walked a pony for over an hour up to pasture..a group of 7 of us relocated 6 beautiful Newfoundland ponies to their running place right at the edge of the ocean. I would love to share the photos but I'm not sure how to do that here.

    We've got great weather and walking trails...walks, pushups and squats and planks to maintain is it :)

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sounds great Breeze!

    So I lifted. Did my first B workout for phase 3 of life. Was a lot harder than expected but my diet the last few days hasnt been great. Can't expect the engine to run right when you put in cheap gas. Single-leg DLs are a LOT harder than expected. Next time I may need to use a bench to keep for and lighten down to 10lb dbs. Chin ups are VERY disappointing. I used 95lbs on the assist machine :(

    I officially signed the kids up for kids club at my gym so no excuses~!
    New GOal, make sure I drin k my 32oz of ACTUAL water daily. I'm slacking off since I've been "home"
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    hi everyone - I have been SO busy at work, I haven't even had the time to keep up with this thread. I lifted on Saturday and today. I am CRAWLING through stage 6.

    Sam - yeah for getting organized for summer! I had the luxury this am of procrastinating for 45 minutes and still getting to the gym for my workout. yeah for water...I love my sodastream!

    Breeze - your vacation sounds awesome!

    runz - an empty pantry makes it tough to eat right!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member

    Mary 1) I've never really thought about it. If you're going deep enough there will be a *bit* of a stretch on it. Make sure you're resting your INSTEP on the step/box/bench. For some reason I never got this when I went through NROL4W and I was doing the BSS like a static lunge with rear foot elevated. You probably already know this, but he doesn't explain it in the NROL4W book. In Supercharged, he explains it much better and I've finally realized it is a totally different movement from the static lunge.
    2) The reverse lunge with forward reach? I found it just felt like a deep lunge (quads, glutes, hamstrings). Never really understood the forward reach part. I always just assumed it was designed to increase flexibility.


    Yes, I have the top of my foot resting. It seems like the resting leg is getting the deep stretch and I squeeze my glutes. So I guess that's all I am working.

    As for the reverse lunge, I feel so inadequate. I don't feel a thing besides the lunge part and even that doesn't feel right.

    Yay everyone for shrinking! I would shrink if I would lay off the cookies and chocolate:grumble:

    That is really interesting. I did not like the lunge with reach move because the reach challenged my core so much that I did not use weights that challenged me for the lunge part of the move.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Wow, Breeze! What a cool experience!

    Samntha, at least you did it!

    Runzalot, sounds frustrating. Hate it when I'm hungry with nothing healthy to eat.

    lc, good to see you! How are you liking Stage 6?

    So far I've only been able to decrease my deficit, not actually hit maintenance yet. Monday I burned 2600 cals and yesterday was 2800. No way I can eat that and eat healthy. I won't be as active these next several days so it shouldn't be as hard.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Oy was it tough to lift this morning. The air conditioning doesn't fire up until 5:45 - that's 45 minutes with only ceiling fans in this humid hot weather. I was a wet mop before I finished the first super-set! But I did it and I increased # for my rows. I wanted to try to increase my incline press but there was no one nearby to spot me. Not many people there today and they were all in a different part of the gym at the time. I'm going to try on Saturday with my trainer.

    The others.. meh, I get so fatigued doing 15-20 reps I can seriously only do 3 sets. But I LOVE RDLs and I really get a good glute workout with them - feeling them already!

    Breeze that sounds like such fun! I'm a horse person, I would have been thrilled to have seen that, never mind be moving a pony! Too cool!

    Cowgirl, I wish I burned cals like you do! The hazards of a desk job! On good days, I might get 5 miles in, but my average is around 3.25.

    Sam, I do 95 on the assist machine too, and can squeeze out 5 if I'm lucky. Those are hard, I think harder than anything else, at least for me!

    Runz, I always have quest bars around for crazings. They are the best of the protein bars, and although the texture is different, they really taste pretty good. I love the brownie bars - pop it into the mic for 10-20 secs (max!) and they taste like fresh out of the oven brownies. So much better than grazing!

    Mary, I did raised lunges today. Yes I get that same stretch but I also really work the quads on the front leg too. Do you not get that? Maybe your stance isn't long enough? As for the front reach reverse lunges, I did those with a real forward reach to work my core and upper body (shoulders especially). I couldn't do as much weight as regular lunges.

    LC, welcome back! I know what you mean, hate when I'm so busy I can't keep up with the thread