Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    fingers crossed for you Beeps!! We've been over 90F here for over a week. Finally broke today and we were still at 85F. Should be a beautiful week going into our independence day Next Thursday. Spent the entire day reading a book at the spray ground with the kiddies. Yesterday was online training hell, so it was nice to relax. Hitting the gym tonight.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Is that you in your bikini, samntha??!?!?!?!

    YOU LOOK AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!

  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    Agree Samantha! Someday I'll have that bikini bod! I'm hoping by next spring.

    It's part of the big experiment! lol

    Beeps..yay on the Venus. When I get closer to my ultimate goal I may aim for Venus.

    Well ladies...I got a dress for my daughter's wedding..in order to get it to fit in the bust I had to get a size 16 but it's corset back and with some alterations it fit. Thankfully the lady had some time to alter and I pick it up the 5th. I leave the 10th for my daughter's wedding.

    It is strapless but I had the spaghetti straps put on. Anyway..it's a long gown..first one I've had since I was a child and I feel lovely in it.

    My husband came along and was a great help. He doesn't see the large top, small bottom as an issue at all! lol

    A bit of an odd day food wise..Chinese buffet for dinner but really all I had was crab and veggies...I don't eat wheat and the rice had chicken...oh I had maybe a dozen muscles. and a half a potato..meh...my muscles need all that protein right?

    It's a day off for me..back on track and a big workout tomorrow..if I work out tomorrow then nothing until next wednesday as I'm going out of town. Sigh..but I will move and be active and eat well.

    Nice weather here too...humid.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    YAY Breeze! So glad you found a dress you like. YOu'll have to post pics from the wedding :)

    THanks for the compliments. THat picture is little weird. There are some strange shadows. On New Jersey BEaches EVERYBODY is in a 2 piece, and I mean Women of every shape and size imaginable. I was good today and wore my tank to the sprayground with the kiddies.

    Zumba today with plenty of extra calories to make up for binging on s'mores yesterday and birthday cake tomorrow. I will TRY to get to the gym to lift in the am.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Breeze, the dress sounds lovely!

    Sam! Wow! You're totally rockin' that two piece!

    Beeps, sending good measurement thoughts your way!

    Didn't get to lift today, but I'm somewhat glad. I was soo sore from Wednesdays session. Tomorrow I will feel like killin' it and hopefully have a good end of month weigh in without the sore muscles retaining water.
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    went off the charts yesterday..not that I ate so much but it was one of those days where it's chaotic and disorganized and you eat food without having a clue as to its values.

    So I had a beer and moved on..lol

    My dress is claret..which is a rich red. Now hunting for earrings and shoes.

    I can't post photos here for some reason suddenly..getting an error message

    No lifting today...and it's raining so indoor house work and cleaning it is. Hey it's activity right?

    Happy Weekend!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    (making sure this time around I am doing it correctly, unlike last time :frown: ) I have a few questions.t

    1. Bulgarian split squat: I have noticed a deep stretch on the "resting leg". Is that normal?

    2. rear lunges from a box: Which muscles should I be focusing on? I feel like it's a useless movement for me.

    Whatever I did yesterday has my hams and glutes sore. Must have been the deadlifts and back apparatus for the hams.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Breeze, I had one of those days yesterday. It was a lot of guesstimating and the scale reflected it on my weigh-in this morning (too much sodium- no loss for me this week). House cleaning is a great activity.

    Mary 1) I've never really thought about it. If you're going deep enough there will be a *bit* of a stretch on it. Make sure you're resting your INSTEP on the step/box/bench. For some reason I never got this when I went through NROL4W and I was doing the BSS like a static lunge with rear foot elevated. You probably already know this, but he doesn't explain it in the NROL4W book. In Supercharged, he explains it much better and I've finally realized it is a totally different movement from the static lunge.
    2) The reverse lunge with forward reach? I found it just felt like a deep lunge (quads, glutes, hamstrings). Never really understood the forward reach part. I always just assumed it was designed to increase flexibility.

    Did the workout A2 of Hypertrophy today. 2 sets of 20 reps. I felt silly lowering my weights so much, but I certainly worked the crap out of my muscles. It was a short workout so I added some jump rope intervals after the complexes.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Wow Beeps!! I can't over how much your butt has changed. You are so shapely and athletic looking.

    Didn't get home until after 7, so my workout was 60 min. of roller skating at my cousin's birthday party. This momma still has it one four wheels, though I didn't want to risk a cross step, fall on my *kitten*, and humiliate myself lol.

    So I asked my chiropractor about the uneven muscle development. He's like, "You'd never notice unless you were naked." My response, "Or in a bikini". He asked, "What are you doing to favor your left leg that it has better muscle tone?" My right leg is in fact weaker. When I do single-leg lifts, I struggle with the right leg both with balance and strength. At a guess, driving. I drive a manual with a cable clutch and I have two hours worth a commuting daily in rough traffic. The left leg gets a workout. Now the big question, how do I fix it?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    ACtually I think Roller skating on the regular may help lol
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    You have to keep working on the leg which struggles - drop the weight back and work BOTH those legs at the lower weight.

    Imbalance issues are VERY common.

    samntha - thank you for the compliment on me looking "athletic" - there actually isn't a kinder thing you could say!! Truly....all I want is for peeps to say, "yep, she works out...."
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, you are definitely "athletic" looking...an awesome testament to your dedication.

    Sam, my right leg is weaker too. And the difference in the definition between the two is sad. I'm starting like the look of my left leg(ive always hated them),but I still despise the right one. Keep working it.

    I will be taking monthly pics tomorrow or Monday. I'm *hoping* to see in those pics what I am seeing in the mirror. Smaller saddlebags and smaller love handles. The "dip" right at my hips that always made me look like I have underwear too tight, seems to have smoothed out so that my waist curves out gradually to my hips. This is huge. It means my body fat is really coming off. Yay!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I've taken measurements this morning and I've only lost a half inch in my right calf. Everything else is the same :indifferent: I haven't weighed myself or taken pictures yet.
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    I have logged in for 90 days in a row!

    Anyway..you all are so chatty for the weekend..excellent.

    So no lifting this week for me..I'm thinking I have three good lifting sessions left before I go away. I'm going to just focus on activity for a while...also may throw in some pushups and squats...even without weights right? Something is better than nothing.

    Anyway..this is a long haul project..as long as I fit that dress on July 13 and as long as i feel good I'm good.

    I moved a lot yesterday...very active but nothing to record. I ate around 2500 cals but I bet I burned off 1000 just from doing stuff...we're renovating a bathroom here.

    I have set up some outdoor physical work too...and there are lots of walking trails where I"m going until Wednesday..

    Also...want to see my island?

    Let me get a link http://www.changeislands.ca/ that's where I grew up..I live an hour from there now..going this evening and coming back Wednesday.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    chubby - here's "good photo ju-ju" for you! I hope you post them!!

    runzalot - are you taking your measurements at the same time of the day, under the same conditions (i.e. fasted, or fully-fed, or whatever)??

  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Yes, Beeps. First thing in the morning. Nekked.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Breeze god job staying active and good luck with the measurements ladies.

    My exercise today will involve carrying 20-30lbs of laundry repeatedly up and down two flights of stairs. I look at my friends' NEW houses with the laundry on the second floor by the bedrooms. What luxury! I wouldn't mind a dish washer too. My place was originally built as army barracks during WWII. No luxury here.

    The kids are dragging me to Chick E Cheese for lunch. Lord help me. At least they have a salad bar.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Boo on the laundry, Sam!

    Breeze, I want an island :laugh:

    I felt kind down about my measurements this morning but I did my workout anyway. It's fun to see the weights increase :happy: At least, I know I'm getting stronger.

    I just finished a little photo shoot. My 7 year old was the photographer. The changes are there! Little bitty but they're there. The cellulite is still hangin' out but I've noticed many dimples that are definitely not as deep. Some places definitely look smoother. And my upper body... pretty amazeballs :laugh: I just need to take a deep breath and remind myself that changes are gonna happen slowly for me since I don't really have weight to lose. I'll post a thread with pics and stats later. Gots to shower.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Runzalot, that's a great attitude to have. The main thing is what you see in the mirror.
    Sam, hopefully you at least had some fun a Chuck E Cheese.

    So my love handles are shrinking, but it's nothing drastic. However I am one of those women who has tree trunks for legs. They are THICK. Not just upper thighs, my whole leg. Today's pics revealed that my thighs are thinning ever so slightly from the knee up. This tells me my BF is indeed dropping. Slowly, yes. But its going the right direction. I will never have slender sexy legs like my sisters(thanks to my grandma's genetics I have horrid varicose veins and cellulite), but I will eventually have the best legs for ME. That is my goal.