Daily Chat Thread



  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, I wouldn't mind having your measurements :wink: But I understand the need to keep persevering to your goal.

    Sam, that sounds like so much fun!

    Run, great job!

    I am under on cals but my macros are off today. I didn't plan well at all. I'll try to make up for it tomorrow!
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    Thanks ladies. Hand is much mu ch better..typed two stories for the paper tonight..nearly 4000 words so there's that..not sure I can lift tomorrow..will see..if not I'll just do something active and I'm sure it'll be ok by Thursday. It only hurts when I touch the bruising but function seems ok. I'll lift lighter weights perhaps if it's store at all. something is better than nothing right?

    Need to get a bit stricter with the diet..I'm not terrible and there was no junk but just not quite there...was over calories by less than 100 so nothing too serious.

    I've been thinking long term. I have my daughter's wedding and will be away until end of July and with 3 kids(my two and a grandson) workouts at a gym will not happen for ten days but since I haven't hard rest weeks I'm just calling this that. She has a pool so the exercise will happen and we'll walk and do stuff. Then I have a month where I will be home but my kids will be too..hoping to figure out a way to work out around them...no sitter in town but maybe I'll find a girl who needs a bit of cash three times a week? It'll be pretty much maintenence though..then comes september. I'm determined that this winter I will be focusing on lifting and setting some pretty big goals. I feel so much better..I want MORE of this.

    I will start to look more at macros and stuff and try to just get a little more perfect without becoming obsessive. I'm certainly enjoying it so far..damaged digits aside :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    samntha - I haven't been to six flags since I was 14 - but I REMEMBER that it was *the* place for coaster-riders! I do want to figure out how to get my kids there in the next few years!

    runzalot - yay for a GREAT work-out! Sometimes backing off for a few days DOES lead to a really great (and HEAVY!) work-out!

    chubby - I'm totally happy with my measurements above the waist - no problemo. Below the waist, there's still LOTS of work to be done, that's all.....everybody has their "stubborn" areas, right?!?!?!?

    breeze - I think a 10-day break will be PERFECT. I wouldn't sweat it! Likely your scale weight will "fall" because the water your body is retaining for muscle repair will dissipate. So, step on the scale a time-or-two! When you get back to lifting at the gym, I bet you'll be able to go HEAVIER, even! Bodies also "need" rest breaks! I'm glad you're taking one!

    Today, I lift!
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    I don't weigh on the scale much..I have a quantum scale..it's amusing to me to watch my size going down and my weight stay the same...I look so much smaller but weight pretty much the same...hilarious.

    Hand is stiff and I'm going to lift tomorrow and just go for a nice walk today....I can't do nothing...I submitted and met all my deadlines..nothing now until next Tuesday..kids gone..hubby at work...I am FREE...

    retaining water for muscle repair? That explains a lot. I was blaming hormones..good time to study the physiology of all this a bit more closely.

    My waist is so large...I want to get below 30 inches...just working on fat reduction which is happening bit by bit. :)

    I ate above my calories yesterday but it was remarkably clean eating.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies, been a bit since I posted, but just wanted to check in. I'm kinda feeling in the "funk" a few of you have been talking about. I'm over halfway done with stage one and am not really feeling stronger or better. My fiance tells me he can notice a difference, but I just simply can't see/feel it. I think I just still see my waist which isn't getting ANY smaller, sometimes it feels bigger than when I started. Perhaps I just need to stop weighing myself all together? :)

    Hoping to dig out of this funk sooner rather than later, I'm sure TOM has something to do with it. Getting in the gym today to do workout 5B. Looking forward to taking measurements when I'm done to see if anything has improved.

    Happy Wednesday ladies and sorry for the Debbie Downer post :)
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    OK, can anyone say DUMMY......half way through stage 1 and I just realized this week that I have been doing my workouts wrong!!!

    Well, I've been doing the lifts, etc. correct, but I haven't been rotating the workouts correctly. I got to thinking ya know I am not going to get in as many B workouts as I am A which seemed off to me, so I reverted back to the book and low and behold I screwed myself on that one! I was doing A B A on M W F, then the next week starting over again doing it the same....what an idiot! No wonder my squats have been progressing a little quicker than my DL's! Needless to say I am switching up to the proper rotation these last 3 weeks.......

    ramalem....yes, throw that scale out the window, it WILL keep doubts in your head for sure! I quit weighting myself and focused on my clothes fitting better, etc.... I am sure you hear this from everyone, but just hang in there! I guarantee you your body is changing for the better!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Cut your calories back - your waist will appear!

    mrs_mab - okay, that's pretty funny that you were doing TOO MANY "A" work-outs. But, now that problem is solved, it's all good!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Thanks, Sam. You're right. I am hard on myself. If I would stop , I think I would see changes but I am hardcore and then FALL WAY down because I can't keep up with my own expectations.

    Ate 6 mini powdered donuts ( I think :embarassed: ) and will be eating ice for lunch!

    I haven't noticed a weight loss BUT the good news , when I am not majorly bloated from PMS or junk food, I have lost an inch off natural waist and 2 off the belly button region! Nothing off saddle bags, butt, or thighs. (((sigh))) It never goes away for me either.

    Beeps, you look awesome. I can't imagine you have lost very little off the bottom region.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    It's a true story, manic....if I posed in EXACTLY the same way, today, that I posed in on January 1, 2012 photos, you'd literally notice only a VERY SMALL change in the hip/butt/saddlebag region. IT'S TOTALLY DEPRESSING.

    maybe all I've REALLY learned in the last 18 months is how much photo-shopping exists, how "fitness models" really only look the way they do for 1 second of 1 day in any given YEAR, how bodies (in the flesh) DON'T look like bodies captured on camera.


  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Well, got my lifting in-and-done.

    Literally, I am losing 0.1 lbs per week. Ugh, ugh, ugh.

    The GOOD news is that I'll be down by 5 lbs next June, 2014. The BAD news is I was SUPPOSED to have ERASED that 5 lbs by end of May, 2013.

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    My feet hurt. TTYL
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps, I just got a chance to look at your pics. Girl, I would pay money to have your body. I are awesomely ripped! I know it's definitely not your goal, because who needs the drama or the headache, but I could totally see you winning trophies :flowerforyou:
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    I posted photos in my profile...the first from June 4 and the second set from today. I'm totally floored by the fact that this time when I am losing weight it appears the top of me is actually getting smaller...the bum is totally not flat anymore and my waist is appearing. I started stage 7 right after the first photo so am cutting right now.

    I like what I'm seeing..the belly pouch looks a bit more prominent currently but it's still shrinking overall.

    Anyway..will continue stage 7 until my vacation..fingers much better..lifting tomorrow :)
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    Correction..losing size..I've only lost 2 pounds
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    samntha - heavy-lifting HAS changed my shape. I am WAY happier with my shape than I was 18 months ago. All true.

    breeze - your pictures are a testament to ALL of the efforts you are putting in! Looking better-and-better-and-better all the time!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    In other news, I've ingest 83g of protein so far, today, and I still have my supper to eat!

  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    somehow, I've eaten over 100... no dinner yet either. At least I know why I'm not hungry :)
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    protein...need to focus on that
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    no gym tonight :( Huge blister on my foot and couldn't get my sneaker on. weird excuse I know, but my calorie and macros were pretty much perfect today. I'm over 120 on protein, guys I'm not even trying.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Today's adventure, dollar movie day at REgal Cinemas. CAN I eat only half a box of candy? oh, and the blister popped while I was sleeping, but I'm still wearing sandals today lol

    Question: do I count the five spoonfuls of cereal I had this morning before I realized my milk went bad?