Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Did I seriously just eat an 800 calorie SALAD? It was SOOOO Good!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    I will totally follow doctor's orders....so, I'm wearing glasses all this week so they can properly measure my eyeballs on Friday - no contacts! I have NEVER worked out with "glasses", so this is BIZARRE, and new. But, on Friday when I lifted weights, my pupils were still all dilated so I wore sunglasses over my glasses, in the gym.

    Yep, I got STARES!

    Today, I'll try just the glasses (no shades) and see how it goes. I feel like an idiot, but it's just for one week.

    I did skip my cardio yesterday - really didn't want to bop around the gym with glasses on.

    I will say that these glasses are giving me headaches - they feel heavy. I miss my contacts.

  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member
    Question about calories ladies. I really want to trim more body fat. I was considering a greater calorie deficit than what is recommended in the book (300 seems so small). But I do want to lose FAT not the Muscle that i have worked for!

    My TDEE is right around 2150. I am thinking of 1750 on non-workout days and 1950 on workout days as a compromise. I WAS going to do a larger deficit, but I have read many warnings of muscle loss if I go much more. I think this is a happy medium of a tiny bit more that what the book recommends, but not going as low as I was originally thinking. Thoughts? What has worked for you? Did you do a greater calorie deficit?

    Also, has anyone added cardio or HIIT in stage 1? Frankly I feel like i have dramatically cut back on my exercise compared to what I was doing before. I want to go by the plan, but I feel like I am not getting nearly the workouts I was before. ( I was doing strength training and cardio 5x per week, sometime just strength and other days just cardio).

    Perhaps I will start feeling it more in the upcoming weeks as I add weight. I am still focusing on good form especially for dead lifts and squats and no going as heavy as I could.

    Thanks ladies!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps, Glasses can be totally sexy. I've always loved the hot librarian look, but I can see how they could be annoying when working out. hubby desperately wants lasik.

    lambentjewel, can we call you jewel? Everybody found what worked for them, but I think most people did stage one as written so they could gauge best what would work for them. Personally, I started with the 300 deficit, and made sure to eat back 300 cals on workout days. As I went through the program I started eating at maintenance because I was just so darn hungry all the damn time. lol. In the end I lost 10% BF and 21 inches. (I was a total newb who hadn't exercised since high school) Some people need more, some need less. Some people will gain weight initially. If that happens, give it time for you metabolism to reset especially if you've been under eating for a considerable amount of time. The philosophy has changed since the book was first written, so feel free to do some cardio, but make sure that lifting is your first priority and that you get adequate recovery time.

    Ladies did I miss anything?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I got in my workout this morning. I didn't give my breakfast enough time to digest so I was a little short on energy. (long story that involves a dead microwave) Anyway, I love having the place to myself. I can find what need, not have to worry about anyone taking my stuff, and camp out on equipment. I managed to get in all three sets of SLDLs. At one point I had to kick off my shoes to get my balance right. Unfortunately, I could not finish three sets of my second rotation. I couldn't finish all of my reps of my second set, so I called game and went home so hubby could get to work. Hopefully I won't need a deep tissue message this time lol.

    Busy week up ahead, hope I can get through it.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Major soreness today! At least I can sit without grimacing so I guess it isn't that major.

    Sam! 800 cal salad. I never buy salad when I am out to eat. I can eat that at home. Eating out is my nemesis. At home I can control what I eat.

    jewel, I can't offer you any advice. I never stick with one thing long enough to see if it works because I get to discouraged. Don't be like me.
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    I hiked up hill for an hour today....this hiking thing is excellent when you have no way to go hit the weights! Lots of glute work.

    I haven't recorded food but I've been fairly moderate
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Maniac, it was either the salad or the dragon fire chicken with rice. I was trying to avoid the rice. I had the strawberry fields salad with field greens, fresh berries, goat cheese and grilled chicken. It would have been better with a low cal dressing on the side. The salad I get at saladworks has way more stuff and half the calories. It's the dressing I tell ya.

    Breeze, I LOVE hiking! You're right, it is a very good workout.

    My workout is the amusement park. I can't get over how absolutely beautiful it is outside. After this hellacious heat wave, I'm am actually looking forward to being outside all day. Walking, standing, ahhhhhhh, more walking lol.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Oh I made the mistake of stepping on a scale today. I know better, but my belly was laying all flat and I was curious. <forehead smack> I lifted hard and it's the first day of my cycle. I'm a great big water back but it doesn't look it.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    breezedaze - I never liked hiking - of course, I'm allergic to everything in nature, so it just made breathing so HARD and I had asthma attacks on every hike I've ever been on. Except Hawaii! Hiking at humid places is AWESOME!

    samntha - LOVE the "walking" at theme parks - HATE the 'standing in line'.

    I tried an "American deadlift" yesterday, in place of my straight-legged ones....it's supposed to hit glutes harder. I'm a little sore, today, but not really too bad....so, either:

    a) I did them wrong (likely); or
    b) my glutes just won't fire (also likely)

    Truth is, I should be adding in all the OTHER work Bret C. writes about in his "Strong Curves" book (lots of body-weight "instigator"-type exercises)....who the heck has TIME?!?!?!?!?
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    TOM today. My lower tummy hurts. in fact, I hurt all over :sad: Zero energy. A/c unit quit working in the house. Zero motivation to workout. I am determined to get in 2 days this week. I WILL!

    Sam, I didn't dare step on the scale this weekend. Saturdays are my weigh in day but I knew TOM was near.

    Lines at the parks stink. I like Disney because of the fastpass.
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    After a 4.5 week hiatus. I FINALLY started stage 2 today! Boy, that was a real *****.

    After briefly breezing through the previous posts (too much to catch up on!) I've decided

    1) I LOVE GLASSES! I think they are the best thing ever! Everyone looks way better (except me, of course, which is why i never wear mine).

    2). Amusement parks are the ****. both the walking and the standing in line (because that means ridesssss)

    3). sometimes i drink 200 oz of water a day, sometimes I drink 20. That water drinking stuff is tricky business....

    4). Hiking is incredible.

    5). TOM sucks. a lot. I have an IUD so I don't actually experience it, but i get all the symptoms and it blows.

    6). 800 calorie salads are my jam. avocados, craisins, hard boiled eggs and chicken add that up way faster than my measly 2 TBs of dressing. but they are bomb.

    COmpletely unrelated. I'm glad to be back, and while I was in Australia, I got engaged (yay!) so now i've got some extra EXTRA motivation to drop these last 25 pounds, because in 355 days I'm getting MARRIED.

    So thanks all, for keepin my motivated and I will be back on the regular. Happy lifting!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Did the last Stage 7 workout today. Love it, deadlifts, db squats raised heel, stepups OHP and inverted pulldowns. DLs at 125 which is a PR for me and I rocked the step ups. Not perfect, but so much better and my thigh is parallel to the floor now. Hard to get that first push without the rear leg helping but getting better. OHP still sucks.

    I'm beat, and it's time for bed. Hope I have more time tomorrow to be chatty. G'nite all
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member
    Samantha - sure, calling me jewels is great :-) Thanks for the input. You and few others have said it's ok to add cardio, so I am going for it!! Wow - you had amazing results from NROL4W. That is exciting!!
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    well it was certainly HUMID that day!..just as we got back in the car..plop plop plop massive rain drops...too by ad about the allergies..I climbed to the summit of a big hill and it was magnificent.

    I am sitting here in my smallest ever shorts..bought them last summer and wore them a few times..the shifting bum has made them too small until now...so I guess other places are getting trimmer as the bum gets rounder? Either way they're a size 10 from Old Navy..bit tight in the middle but I think with wearing they'll loosen up.

    So..wedding is on Saturday...outside and likely hot..what sort of sage advice would you give for someone who doesn't want to look all puffy and swollen on Saturday?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Sue - all of your work looks VERY impressive! I hope you stop to "pat yourself on the back' - YOU DESERVE IT! also, TAKE PICTURES! (front/side/back). You don't have to look at 'em, you certainly (never) don't have to post 'em, just take them!

    breezedaze - it's never a bad day when smaller clothes are fitting (better? well??)!! My advice for Saturday would be to make thursday your last lifting day (skip Friday and Saturday) and drink water like CRAZY all Thursday, Friday and Saturday to keep flushing out every last bit.

    today I get to lift. today I get to lift with glasses on - booooooooooo. But, more importantly, today I get to lift!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    I had a good lifting session today. And, I'm doing a good job on calorie-control.

    I've decided to lose 3 lbs in July, 3 lbs in August and 3 lbs in September. Since much of August and September I will NOT be "lifting", this should be VERY DO-ABLE.

    At end of September, I will have been doing Venus Index for 1 YEAR, which is exactly enough time to head into MAINTENANCE (with a bit of a cushion).
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    Haven't been lifting last week as no gym on the island so I'll just drink water like a fiend and eat moderately and hope for the best :)
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    When I come back from vacation, well..it'll be September before I can start but I'm going to start New Rules from start to finish...then take a break and go immediately into Venus just to see how things go...I like to learn new things...but that's the plan for now...
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sue - all of your work looks VERY impressive! I hope you stop to "pat yourself on the back' - YOU DESERVE IT! also, TAKE PICTURES! (front/side/back). You don't have to look at 'em, you certainly (never) don't have to post 'em, just take them!

    breezedaze - it's never a bad day when smaller clothes are fitting (better? well??)!! My advice for Saturday would be to make thursday your last lifting day (skip Friday and Saturday) and drink water like CRAZY all Thursday, Friday and Saturday to keep flushing out every last bit.

    today I get to lift. today I get to lift with glasses on - booooooooooo. But, more importantly, today I get to lift!
    What she said