Daily Chat Thread



  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    Hey all, back after a week at the cottage! No lifting, lots of goofing in the water and throwing my niece in, but only one session of cardio - did a hill run workout. I think HIIT may be the way for me, as opposed to long, slow endurance, bc I like the grind of a hill, even though I'm not a good runner.

    Aaaand I ate all the things and drank 3 glasses of wine/night, but didn't gain! Down .8 today, so that's encouraging. Looking forward to getting back to my eating routine.

    Lots of activity around here! I'll try to catch up:

    breeze, that 'BIG woman' crap is BS. You're a strong woman. Sorry you're dealing with blows to the ego.

    Welcome Lenora, Bonnie and jewel, and welcome back, chuckles!

    Chuckles, I’m joining you in Stage 2 today! First workout. Kinda nervous, but pumped to get back in there.

    Beeps, sorry to hear about the surgery/downtime, but at least you can prepare, right? Better than an unforeseen injury. (Trying to find a bright side...)

    Sue, sorry to hear about the A/C issues. That’s brutal. I would so pass out.

    Sam, that’s awesome that you’ve found your exercise ‘magic bullet.’ I think I might have to do both, regularly, to get full benefit.

    I know I left out peeps - manic, cowgirl, hope you're all well.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    breeze - mothers suck. My mother keeps giving me size 16 clothes! (Which is what *she* wears!!) I've never been a size 16 in my life (I'm 5'9" at my tallest!)....but, have been a 12 before. In any event, I'm now a size 6/8, some 6's on top fit, some 6's on bottom fit, some 8's on top fit, some 8's on bottom fit. Every piece of clothing I get from my mom, I wear once (when she's visiting) and then I give it to my next door neighbour at the office.

    pearlmullet - when I first started doing HIIT, I LOVED it! I've been away from it for awhile, though.

    Today I get to lift! Soon, too!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hi everyone! I read the post and know I'll leave someone out. So I'll just keep it generic and say good job . Keep lifting.

    Beeps, I"m a size 12 whether I am at 155 or 140. It's the lack of fat loss.

    I am really trying not to focus on the scale and just lift. I read online that with my high body fat percentage I need to keep my heart rate up . that means little rest in between lifts . Also, stick with higher reps.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Maniac, I truly hope you find your own magic bullet of what works for you. I give you a lot of respect for trying everything and not giving up.

    Breeze, I bet you looked stunning. Pics please, even just a quick peek at a new profile pic. We'll be honest and tell you how beautiful you looked:flowerforyou:

    Pearl, Welcome back my friend. Sounds like you had a great time. Life is for the living.

    I got in my lifting in this morning, yay me. The trap still hurt a bit. Usually I come off a rest week lifting like a dynamo, but today I just felt stiff and sore. I was sweating so bad that the old man next to me said, "Tough workout today?" Yeah, tough workout out everyday pops. Seriously though, I looked like I jumped in the pool. The remainder of the day included seeing Despicable Me 2, freaking hysterical, and going to the dentist (clean bill of health:bigsmile: )

    We're going to be under heat advisories the rest of the week, but it's still going to be a busy one.

    Happy Lifting ladies.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    We saw Despicable Me 2 last night, too - it was pretty funny!

    manic - sheesh, I'd hate it if I dropped 10 lbs and was the same SIZE....THAT BITES! Fat loss is all about calorie deficit, though. I just don't believe you can create a big enough calorie deficit on the exercise front (excluding labourers who have a lot of labouring to do in their jobs!). I do believe that if you eat less, the fat will move off your body.

    samntha - hmmmmmm, I usually enjoy lifting after a break week, too. But, I also am finding, the leaner I get, the less "BOOM!" I have after a break. It's more like "ugh, why did I TAKE a BREAK, at all?!?!?!?"

    I just ate a snack which I NOW have to pay for by reducing the size of my dinner - BIG TIME. Ugh. Tummy ache to go with it. Dumb.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Breeze, why is it that mother's can't be encouraging to their daughters. Gosh, I would've probably had a hard time talking to her at all after a comment like that. My mom has NEVER said a word about my weight loss(nearly 30lbs now) other than something negative about lifting weights or eating too many carbs. I can handle that. But if she commented on my size, I'd probably be livid. You're looking great and you're making healthy choices. THAT'S what matters.

    Manic, I hope you can figure out what works for you. The only advice I can say is that if you've been consistent with something and it's not working then try something else.

    Sam, hopefully the next workout will be better. I've had a hard time these two workouts since coming back from a break as well. I just feel pooped. I think it's because it's summer (my body dislikes the heat) and I'm under and enormous amount of stress.

    Pearl, I'm with you on the HIIT! Love it. I just find steady state cardio boring (I still do some just because).

    Got my lifting in today. One of the personal trainers noticed I was limping and asked what was wrong. Told her my hamstrings were killing me. "Roll it!" she said. I told her I have been. She told me it was probably a knot in my glute and to focus on those as well. So I did after the workout and she was right. I think the 65lb hip thrusts to failure I did on Saturday did me in. I really need to up the weight and focus on doing fewer reps.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Breeze, my friend, something I heard a while ago, people don't want to see others do good generally - of course close friend, real friends, do but most of our acquaintances don't like seeing us do well especially if they are struggling with the same aspect. Be a duck! Let that crap all roll right off your back. We all are here to support you and that's what matters - we are the people who know how hard you work and size 10 is not BIG!! You're on it and you're doing great!

    OMG I walked into the gym this morning and it was COLD!! YEA!! Will see tomorrow if it was an accident, I had a GREAT workout today and I PRed my SLDLs at 135 - put those big 45# plates on the oly bar and hoisted it 3 sets, 10, 8 & 6! WHOOP WHOOP! I also did inverted leg presses with 110#. I'll be glad when I can actually squat that 110. I'm staying at 90 until my form is really dead on.

    Mary, how frustrating. But I'm the same way, I have a pretty high body fat % and I'm still very jiggly. I will confess though that I have not been careful about food choices, especially on the weekend! And I think you might be right, higher reps less recovery time - keep your heart rate elevated - that's what Stage 7 is for me. Less about strength gains more about pushing through it all and staying in that fat burning range.

    I'm not a cardio fan at all. My HIIT really is spinning and I do that 2x/wk, Pearl.

    Sam hope you have a fun week Movies are the best when the temp is way high like it's going to be!

    Welcome Lenora! Bonnie, good for you!!

    Get it ladies!
  • Bonnieg318
    Bonnieg318 Posts: 156 Member
    I finished week 1 today!! I feel stronger, leaner, I think I carry myself different. I felt good walking in to the weight section tonight. Also evil me grinned at the barbies with their hair done lifting 5lb weights. They need this book!! Ok I know that bad of me but I had to confess! I also got a 25 min run in. I still need to run due to a 1/2 marathon in September.
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member
    Happy monday ladies,

    Lenora- that home gym sounds exciting!! Good Luck!

    Samantha - Despicable me 2 was SO good. Oh how my kids loved that one! I am glad the shoulder is better.

    Beeps - is your daughter doing a program too? Pool + kids = fun. We have a neighborhood pool a block away and the kids love it!

    Breeze - Yikes, mothers should know "if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say ANYTHING at all" a 5'6" size 10 woman is no amazon!

    manic - I hope you find something that works for your goals. How frustrating not to go down in size after 10 lbs loss.

    Bonnie - congrats on weeks 1. Tomorrow I will do my lift and be halfway thru stage 1 Yay!

    Switching to a weekly calorie goal now that i realize my hunger can vary GREATLY depending upon my exercise and activity level. Today, for example, 1300 calories was very satisfying (no exercise today and my last workout was yesterday AM). Other very active days, I can easily eat 2200 and STILL be hungry. I have never tracked my calories/ macros/sodium/sugar before, so it is quite eye opening. Also, it should be illegal to put so much SODIUM in thai food, mostly because I am not giving up thai food, YUM.

    Lastly, I did 12 squats with 100 lbs on Sunday. It felt good to roll into triple digits :-) However, I am taking it slow as I do not want to court injuries.

    Happy lifting ladies!!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Bonnie, just wait until the guys start noticing you in the "big boys area". The best compliment I have received from a guy : The strongest woman in the gym.

    I was in "their" area the entire time today. Felt good too.

    Last week my son wanted me to do shoulder presses sitting down. A few of you remember I have nerve damage and can NOT lift weights over my head but he insisted. I protested. A young adult male was listening and chimed in. I guess he thought he was defending me when he said "yeah that's a little heavy for her." :grumble: FIFTEEN pounds is NOT heavy for me. But it is heavy for my right damaged shoulder to lift over my head.

    I guess I should say when I lose weight the size drops from the top half. I can go from a medium to a small. But the bottom half doesn't budge. (hence that's where all the body fat is located)

    I pretty much know what works to drop the weight which is lots of cardio and drastic calorie deficit. But I don't want to lose 15 pounds and be the same size, ya know? I want to lose the saddlebags and fat butt. So I am sticking with lifting and calorie deficit. Some days I can eat 950 calories and be fine and there is other days I hit 1300. I am hoping to reduce body fat % even if the scale barely moves.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    lambentjewel - yep, we've started my daughter on weight-training. She's only on BW exercises, at present. It may take 1- or 2- years to get her to the point of being capable/able to handle ACTUAL weights (resistance). I want her to lose body fat, too....but, most doctors figure just keeping her weight "steady", and not gaining, will produce decent results as she grows. So, it's more like 'weight management" than 'weight loss". She pudged out HUGE over the past 2 years. Her belly-button waist is now at 34". Not acceptable. (she's 10)

    manic - a calorie deficit, while heavy lifting will totally produce the results that YOU want. It isn't about 'drastic weight loss', it is about steady calorie-deficits, while lifting heavy. It's okay if your top reduces - weight loss isn't linear - your bottom half WILL 'catch up'.

    I'm fasting today. No lifting.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Beeps, I know! I've admired your pics. I look just like you did before your fat loss.

    slow and steady (I try to remind myself)
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    A quick check in for me. My spin class today was brutal - no, the air wasn't cranked up like yesterday. I'm going to call the manager and insist that the air come on and be really cooling earlier especially in this heat and humidity. We'll see what happens.

    Lamb, I find I'm the same way about hunger and how much I want to eat. On days like today, when I've had a really strenuous workout I am much more hungry, but I also find that if I eat solid proteins, it fills me up and keeps me full. I'm trying to cut right now, since stage 7 is mroe like endurance and not strength gain. I've not been very true to it, especially on the weekends - but I have dropped a couple of pounds.

    Mary I'm with you, I have to keep reminding myself that it all adds up, that consistency and perserverance will pay off in the end. I'm not one of those people who shape up quickly, especially since I've gotten older and since the hormones are pretty much gone and I also find that I lose muscle strength quickly. I noticed the other day when I did back extensions, that I'd really lost a lot of mobility since they've been out of the rotation. So I will just add them back in, 1x/wk

    Beeps, I don't know how you can fast. OMG I just would just die! I work out fasted because I go to the gym so early, and have no trouble with that but I don't think I could make it doing IF of any sort.

    Bonnie, isn't it fun being one of the few women in the big weights section? I love it, now that I'm used to being there. I was a bit intimidated at first but realized no one was really watching me, and once I figured out where everything was I was off to the races!

    I lift tomorrow! Yea!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    manic - when I started at Venus, another lady who is 3 years older than me, and had 5 MORE inches to lose (on her hips) than did I, made it to Venus BEFORE I did! Yep, she lost her hips, plus that extra 5", and I am STILL working on mine! Her secret?? She TRAVELS for work, every single week, and limiting what she put in her pie-hole, both during her travel days, plus when away from her family, made her FOCUS on heavy lifting instead. She looks AWESOME!

    suelegal - fasting used to scare the BEJEEBERS outta me....but, I haven't had breakfast in, oh, 8 months now, and I've worked out fasted for that same 8 months. So, I can go from 8 pm - 12:30 pm (next day) no problemo. It's trying to stretch that 12:30 pm to, say, 5:30 pm which remains TOUGH for me.

    I have some bloat I want off. I want a proper scale-weight, tomorrow, and then I can re-focus on *normal* deficit days.

    Fasts usually mess with my SLEEP - that is WHY I don't do 'em very often. I need my zzzzzzzzzzzzzz's!!!!
  • Bonnieg318
    Bonnieg318 Posts: 156 Member
    Suelegal it is kind of fun. Last night I was the only woman in the "mans" section. I lift again tomorrow and I can't wait! It's the start of week 2!

    Now a silly question do I up my weights every workout? I do think I started to light last week but I wasn't sure what I could do.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Breeze, my friend, something I heard a while ago, people don't want to see others do good generally - of course close friend, real friends, do but most of our acquaintances don't like seeing us do well especially if they are struggling with the same aspect. Be a duck! Let that crap all roll right off your back. We all are here to support you and that's what matters - we are the people who know how hard you work and size 10 is not BIG!! You're on it and you're doing great!

    OMG I walked into the gym this morning and it was COLD!! YEA!! Will see tomorrow if it was an accident, I had a GREAT workout today and I PRed my SLDLs at 135 - put those big 45# plates on the oly bar and hoisted it 3 sets, 10, 8 & 6! WHOOP WHOOP! I also did inverted leg presses with 110#. I'll be glad when I can actually squat that 110. I'm staying at 90 until my form is really dead on.

    Get it ladies!
    Sue, did you just say you did 135lb single leg dead lifts? explain my dear.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    This heat is freaking brutal and it's going to be more of the same the rest of the week. We were supposed to go to the theme park tomorrow, but with this heat IDK. Believe it or not it's my least expensive option. Maybe I can talk them into the water park. Or bowling but or two games only takes an hour. Something to ponder.

    My glutes are crying again today from Single leg Dead lifts. I do 12 reps of 40 on each leg for three sets. I better tell hubby to get his magic fingers ready. I will lift again tomorrow morning. I notice that all the "serious" lifter chicks seem to workout in the morning when it is far less crowded. Hell, these ladies put me to shame.

    I know for my fat loss I need to focus on heavy lifting. That's why I want to drop down my reps and go heavier. I'm just not seeing much progress at the 10-12 range like I was. I don't know what my problem is but I really can't keep a high sustained heart beat that actually reaches fat burn levels. When I do cardio, I burn calories but not really fat. I too need to burn more fat.

    Boonie, congrats on finishing your first week. This program is so awesome.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sam, do what works for you, babez :bigsmile: I am happy that you found it.

    Bonnie, IF you can properly do the lift with a higher weight , YES INCREASE.

    Beeps, I would love to know the Venus plan/diet but we just don't have the funds right now. (trying to debt snowball.)

    Sue, YES, tell them to crank it up.

    Today I worked on my shoulders, back, and abs. I am letting my son guide me for a few weeks. He looks awesome in the 3months he has been lifting on his own. He did a program with the football coaches during the season but no real definition. but now! He looks great. Tomorrow I will have a break. Big dude in the gym today told me to do cardio if I want to lose fat. I don't wanna do cardio. :sad:
  • Bonnieg318
    Bonnieg318 Posts: 156 Member
    Manic4titans thank you for the advice!! I won't up my deadlifts just because I don't think my form is proper. As for the big dude in the gym tell him to go scrub. You keep doing what your doing. Lifting has proven to be a great tool for fat loss so never mind him. If you want to add a bit of cardio do it but prove him wrong!!!

    Samntha thank you!! I agree the program so far has been awesome. Just wish I had started this earlier instead of P90x.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Breeze, my friend, something I heard a while ago, people don't want to see others do good generally - of course close friend, real friends, do but most of our acquaintances don't like seeing us do well especially if they are struggling with the same aspect. Be a duck! Let that crap all roll right off your back. We all are here to support you and that's what matters - we are the people who know how hard you work and size 10 is not BIG!! You're on it and you're doing great!

    OMG I walked into the gym this morning and it was COLD!! YEA!! Will see tomorrow if it was an accident, I had a GREAT workout today and I PRed my SLDLs at 135 - put those big 45# plates on the oly bar and hoisted it 3 sets, 10, 8 & 6! WHOOP WHOOP! I also did inverted leg presses with 110#. I'll be glad when I can actually squat that 110. I'm staying at 90 until my form is really dead on.

    Get it ladies!
    Sue, did you just say you did 135lb single leg dead lifts? explain my dear.

    STRAIGHT leg DLs