Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Thanks Cowgirl, You inspire me with your 175DL.

    I was lazy today. What do I do when I have entire day to myself to WHATEVER I WANT? I hybernate on my couch watching bad movies and reading good books lol. ACtually I'm going out now to hang with my cousin and his new baby :)
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Sam, sounds to me like your day is rather perfect :wink: My best bowling game is... wait for it... 78 :laugh:

    I have to go grocery shopping and do some cooking tonight :sick: I broke out my last bit of cookie dough and baked up a pan. OMG they are so good. I'm amazing :laugh:

    I'm supposed to do my first B workout in Stage 2 but I'm scared! I'm still so stiff and sore from A :indifferent: I guess I'll look at it and fill out the chart...
  • texanintokyo
    texanintokyo Posts: 278 Member
    Hi, I just received the book on Saturday. I've read it almost all the way through but I wanted to ask if you guys had any advice for getting started.

    I have a trainer but I don't think he is pushing me hard enough. He is on vacation until August 2nd but my plan is to just print out the workouts and tell him "I want to do this".
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Go for it!! You can always ask your trainer to check your form. The other ladies with trainers can give you other advice on that. I Love these programs because I don't feel I need a trainer at all.

    Off to Six Flags today!! after the gym of course :)
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Have fun at Six Flags, Sam!

    Welcome, Texan!

    I filled out my sheets for the Stage 2 B workout and then fell asleep on the couch for two hours :laugh: I'm going to do it today. My muscles are far less angry today so no excuses.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member

    After a 6-day exercise break, today I'll be back at the weights! I am a little nervous about the DOMs, but I might as well just get started.

    I will lift 3 x this week and do my Saturday-morning cardio.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    HELP! ALwyn is online and I don't have a question.

    No six Flags :( Hubby is feeling sick, so off to the movies. I did get to the gym, but I cut it a set short because I ran into someone from high school and spent my last 20 min shooting the breeze.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Alwyn is "online"?? Here at mfp??
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hi all!

    Beeps, Alwyn has a Facebook page and every once in a while he shows up on the page and opens it up for a few minutes for questions - as many as he can answer in whatever period of time he arbitrarily chooses. I never have come up with a good question or one that hasn't been asked.

    Had a really fun weekend with friends - Saturday was a b'day party for hubby's best pal at his home. We went up early and helped prepare for the party, and stayed overnight so we could go to a benefit biker party the next day. Traffic was miserable on 87 so we waited until 8, hoping it would ease up - it didn't - so we rode home back roads instead. It really didn't take much longer and was a nice change from blasting down the highway. We got home late, about 11:0 so I didn't get to the gym this morning. That means I'lll lift 2x and spin 2x this week

    My workout Saturday morning was a blast. Worked with my trainer and benched 65# for the first time EVER! First set just the oly bar, 2nd set 55# and 3rd set 65#/5, but total fail on the 6th. I also did trap bar deadlifts at 135 and single arm inverted pulldowns at 55 each.

    Beeps I've been fasting til 12:30 most days quite successfully! I'm pretty surprised that I fell into this so easily. I sort of dared myself to do it. Some days I'm more hungry than others and I'll have a bit of yogurt r maybe a protein shake but that's all and I do have my protein shake after workouts. Thanks for your encouragement!

    Sam hope hubby feels better quick. What movie did you go see?

    Hope you all had a great weekend. I have to read back to see what else I've missed.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member

    I. can't wear gloves. My fingers are so short that the added bulk (even though they are really thin gloves) hinders my grip even more:/. I'm thinking of buying some chalk.
    I am back to cutting tomorrow. I think I will cut hard these first few weeks, then go up to a slight deficit (300ish cals). Trying to get as much off of me before family pics in August.

    Seriously, check out Versa Gripps - they aren't gloves - they are a better kind of wrap/strap to assist people like you and me, with short fingers that can't get around the bar as well. I can BARELY thumb lock on the pulldown bars. Versa Gripps have saved me and my hands!
  • Bonnieg318
    Bonnieg318 Posts: 156 Member
    Hey guys busy weekend missed a workout but hopefully I can make it up this week! I am off to the gym after work to do A2 tonight. I can tell I haven't been on reading the forum posts I was going to skip tonight but you girls give me inspiration!!! Thank you!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    suelegal - the "fasting until lunchtime" thing, for me, was kind of a "dare", too. Like you, I was SERIOUSLY surprised at how easy it was to do! Me of the "egg every morning" variety....now, I just choose to eat eggs in the evening, instead!

    Thanks, too, re: Alwyn - I don't follow on fb, but it's nice to know the guy "shows up" from time-to-time!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Fasting? I'm scared... tell me more.

    Yay for inspiration, Bonnie!

    I cooked up a John Wayne Casserole for dinner and it is DELICIOUS! While it was baking together in the oven, I also whipped up breakfast sausage, oat bran muffins, and lunch kits for DS- ham cheese rolls and half pb and j. AND the kitchen is clean. Women really are marvelous :laugh:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member

    After a 6-day exercise break, today I'll be back at the weights! I am a little nervous about the DOMs, but I might as well just get started.

    I will lift 3 x this week and do my Saturday-morning cardio.

    Beeps, I had to take over two weeks off due to traveling and the DOMS 'bout killed me. Alas, I'm still alive :laugh: Here we go, Girl :drinker:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I couldn't think of a good question, so I went with what should I do next? He said do life or 4W again, why not. He read my mind.

    Sue we saw turbo.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Oh Beeps, DOMS is ridiculous after a break. Hopefully you can manage to avoid it.

    I eat in a 10 hour window. 9a-7p. It works well for me. That way I avoid the temptation for late night snacking (my worst eating habit) but I still have plenty of time to fit lots of good food in. I tried an 8 hour window and I seriously couldn't fit all my cals in without resorting to less filling high cal junk.

    Sue, you rock! Great weights on all those lifts!

    Sam, I am considering doing 4W again after Supercharged. It's between that and Strong Curves right now.

    Didn't have much time for lifting today so I did a push, pull, squat, and dynamic stability circuit. Worked up a good sweat and totally fatigued my arms in 30 mins:)
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member
    Ladies, I just want to say that I am traveling for work right now (san francisco) and I was pleasantly surprised to find out that hotel has an agreement with the nearby gym. I was in a tizzy about only have a few skimpy dumbells to work with, but problem SOLVED. It's not a fancy hotel either, but business class. Mind you, the hotel has a fitness center, a decent one too, but no barbell. Always ask if you are traveling ladies, cause you never know. Yay! I get to do my A6 workout tomorrow :-)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    samntha - I still have my 2-week vacation on the horizon....I might keep trying some "body-weight" exercises while away - push-ups, planks, etc. Just to stave off SOME DOMs. Mind you, I then have a 3-week forced exercise break (as in NOT A WHIT OF EXERCISE!) following eye surgery. Boooooooooooo.

    chubby - 30 minutes is 30 minutes!! Good for you!! It ALL COUNTS!!

    lambentjewel - that *is* a pleasant surprise! Glad to hear you can get some weight-training in (even sans barbell) while on vacation. You can always use DB's in place of the BB....no problem.

    Well, turns out that while I am *stiff*, I wouldn't call what I'm feeling MAJOR DOMs. I've decided to do another weight-training work-out, today, but will simply choose pyramids, over circuits, because then I can control the weight (lower) and the reps (higher). Lots of Venus' do 4- or even 5- workouts a week. I've got no kids this week, so I'm going to try and do 5 days IN A ROW, just to keep DOMs at bay!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    35 minutes of lifting. Worked on my shoulders and back. And slowly adding cardio back in so I can help the process of losing body fat.

    It's been 5 days since I worked out! UGH! I am gonna be sore tomorrow. I couldn't pull up my half of weight on the assisted pull up today :frown: Not sure why . I had to set it on 96 pounds instead of the 84.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    OK, where are you ladies at!!!

    My little one wanted to have a tea party. I was trying so hard not to have sugar today . One cookie surely won't kill me , but it made me want more.