Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I *love* the picture, breeze....so beautiful - I can see EXACTLY why you are so proud!

    manic - negative chin-ups = starting at the TOP of the movement (arms bent, chin over bar) and SLOWLY releasing your body, all the way down (to arms fully extended). I think it's a "20-sec-count" in NROL4W, no?? (Maybe it's a "30-sec-count" - I can't remember!). You can do negative pull-ups the same way! Great for development.

    Bonnie, you're a girl....all guys are looking at you (whether they are "overt" about it or "covert" about it). Stop paying attention to ANYBODY but YOURSELF! Good grief! GO GET YOUR WORK-OUT and FUGGEDABOUT the rest.

    samntha - please figure out what exercise you are doing that is affecting your traps so much - I WANT TO DO THAT ONE!

    Am out of town the next 3 days, so likely not posting.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member

    samntha - please figure out what exercise you are doing that is affecting your traps so much - I WANT TO DO THAT ONE!

    Am out of town the next 3 days, so likely not posting.

    well, my rotation yesterday included Wide grip DLs, Push ups, kneeling lat pull downs, walking lunges, and FSPP. I think it was the pull downs. That motion seems to hurt the most at the moment lol

    Bowling with kiddies was fun. Now a need a nap. This heat is brutal. I was sweating in the car with the AC BLASTING!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Ok I am not doing negative chin ups. I am doing the assisted chin ups where my body is lower , and I'm pulling my chin/weight up to the bar. OH, I think I pulled 86 pounds on the assisted chin up

    Also, because I can't do back squats (bar resting on shoulder that has atrophied muscle) I've been using the squat machine. My glutes are getting a workout! I love it so much more than goblet squats.

    Sam, I've heard of that program. I wish it was near me..
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Sam it had to be the pull downs especially kneeling. According to what I've read, if you don't sit, you have to stabilize more and that all works the traps more.

    Bonnie, I bet he's staring cuz he's impressed that you are lifting heavy. Either way, who cares! Like Beeps says, go get your workout done! The hell with him!

    I had to do the negative chin ups on the assist machine. I couldn't hold myself up at the top, I just don't have the upper body strength yet. I can do assisted pullups at 95 too Sam.

    Breeze, you are beautiful and so are your girls! Be proud my friend!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Mary, that's great.you'll be doing a chin-up in no time.

    Beeps, I need to check those DLs out. I already feel like my glutes look better just from adding in some thrusts and get-ups.

    Bonnie, he's probably never seen a girl really lift before. You'll get used to the stares:)

    My quad feels 10 times better today. Should be ready for deadlifts and step-ups tomorrow. Hoping I can up my weights in everything.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    SLept in, and missed my workout. I feel very lazy today. I have to get ready for a pool party/cook out this afternoon with people from work, soooo not wearing my bikini in front of co-workers.

    Glad the leg feels better Cowgirl.

    MAry, Type in your zip code and see what comes up.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sam, thanks for the links. The closest one is an hour away but I did send a request form for the one nearby.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Quick check in. Beeps I've fasted til 12:30 (yesterday) and 1:30 (today). No workout either day aside from my normal walking. We'll see what happens over the weekend (we're visiting friends up north) and next week when I do my usual schedule. I was pretty hungry today by 1:30, though water helped a lot.

    That's all I got! I lift tomorrow before we leave and I'll try to check in before we go!

    Have a great weekend all!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Beeps, I'll have to look up the different types of deadlifts.

    I've been out for a wee more than two weeks and ready to get back at it. I ate lots of fun junk food. I'm on my moon and very bloated so I'll wait until Monday for official Stage 2 starting measurements. Right now, DS is cleaning his hotwheels track out of my workout space :noway: I've got my sheet all filled out and I know how everything is supposed to go... I need an alternative to the horizontal cable pull thing.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sue, I've read some great things about fasting and it's effects on muscle building and fat burning. You're much stronger than I am if you can fast past noon! Hope you can fit your workout in tomorrow.

    Sam, thanks for the reminder about free bowling. I completely forgot the alley just 10 mins from our house does one free game a day for the entire summer.

    Got my lifting in today!!!! Quad was fine when I started, but by the end, I could tell it was still sore. The foam roller was P.A.I.N.F.U.L.
    I did my first set of DLs with 155lbs and thought, "That was way too easy." Finished out three more sets of 6 with 175lbs. BOOM! My biggest problem is my grip on these really heavy sets. After four reps, my hands are ready to give out.

    Keep up the lifting ladies!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Came back to say that Stage 2 is gonna spank me real good. My booty was burning on those lunges! And I spanked my macros today!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Way to go Runz and Cowgirl, that is come impressive lifting.

    Spent the day in the pool with the kids. Great time had by all. No idea what the weekend will bring. Happy weekend ladies.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Cowgirl, I use VersaGripps. I have relatively small hands and really struggle with grip strength. VersaGripps are da bomb!!

    And so are you girl - holy crap 175! Awesome!!

    Runz, I'm seeing my trainer tomorrow, I'll ask for an alternative. That one move was the reason I went back to the gym - I had no idea what to do instead!

    Sam an afternoon at the pool sounds wonderful!

    G'nite everyone!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    cowgirl! 175 pounds!! AWESOME!

    runz, Stage 2 is a killer ! I think it was my fave stage .

    Sue, NIGHT! :yawn:

    I have worked out 3 days this week already. I am itching to go back , plus, my son is telling me I need to do more days since I am targeting muscle groups instead of compound moves. What do yall think? I
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    you can more days, but I wouldn't really do more than 4-5. Even though your not working the same muscles everyday, your body in general needs some recovery time.
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member
    Good morning lovely lifting ladies!!

    Runz - are you still running, or just focusing on lifting? I am curious with your name :-)

    Sue and Cowgirl - I am just starting to see how I need to increase my grip strength. I recall reading about a farmer exercise, so I will need to research that and include it in the mix. Also, I just started using gloves and OMG they have saved me. I was almost in tears with relief. Why didn't I do that sooner? I carry them in my purse now, so I will NEVER forget them.

    Cowgirl - kuddos for the 175 DL that is awesome!

    Manic - good job on the 3 workouts this week! Do you do some other workouts, or just lift? Personally I like the variety, but I know some like a singular focus.

    Bonnie - good job focusing on form and watching the videos. I am new to heavy lifting too and am always checking my form. The trainers at my gym are also helpful if I ask them to watch me for form, so you might be able to do that as well.

    Breeze - I LOVE the red dress in your picture....wow! You look great!

    I got my lift in ladies 2x this week, then will do one tomorrow, so I will have my goal of 3 lifts per week. This morning is cardio tennis - a two hour class of cardio butt-kicking intensity in which I chase a fuzzy yellow ball with total awkwardness and statistically LOW chance of actually hitting it. I am the worst player for sure, BUT I am also the least experienced. Once I get a little experience under my belt, WATCH OUT. However, the dropping to do 5 pushups when I miss the ball is the killer, since I miss A LOT. I do them on my knees, no way I could do them on my toes.

    Counting calories weekly is definitely working better for me. I have swings of several hundred calories day to day, but still overall this week maintaining TDEE - 20% and a tiny bit more actually. I am starting to see that with diet and exercise it can be very different what works from person to person and experimenting to see what works best for YOU is the key....there is no perfect one way.

    Have a great weekend!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    jewel, lifting is it. I have taken a disliking to any cardio. I don't mind a leisure walk on a nature trail LOL I can't swim so that's out.

    I decided not to workout today. Weekends have always been my time off from any form of exercise. I'll try to do 4 workouts next week if I am still targeting muscle groups.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Turns out, there's an alternative to the horizontal cable thingy in the book so I'm doing that.

    lam, I do still run but no more than 4 miles. Usually just 2 or 3.

    DOMS is on like Donkey Kong today :sick: DS and I will hit the park later so he can bike and I will run... or slog along or something.

    I'm using gloves with weights. I just don't see the point in having my skin ripped off :huh:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Just got back from another afternoon of bowling. I'm getting better. I rolled a 138 with 2 strikes and 4, yes four, spares. My best game EVER!! and it burned 200 cals lol. Back to the gym tomorrow. It's my last workout of life. I'd like to do Supercharged, but the book is too much in hardcover. I think I will start back in Stage one of 4W but with some adaptations. I'm going to format it like the later programs.

    I used to wear gloves, I stopped because I want to improve my grip strength for real. (they beat me up on the FB page lol)
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sam, great game! Congrats on making it through Life. Highly recommend Supercharged if you get to the point that you get the book. Lots of good updated info it.

    I. can't wear gloves. My fingers are so short that the added bulk (even though they are really thin gloves) hinders my grip even more:/. I'm thinking of buying some chalk.
    I am back to cutting tomorrow. I think I will cut hard these first few weeks, then go up to a slight deficit (300ish cals). Trying to get as much off of me before family pics in August.

    Jewel, that cardio tennis sounds brutal! Yikes!