Daily Chat Thread



  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    breeze - mothers suck. My mother keeps giving me size 16 clothes! (Which is what *she* wears!!) I've never been a size 16 in my life (I'm 5'9" at my tallest!)....but, have been a 12 before. In any event, I'm now a size 6/8, some 6's on top fit, some 6's on bottom fit, some 8's on top fit, some 8's on bottom fit. Every piece of clothing I get from my mom, I wear once (when she's visiting) and then I give it to my next door neighbour at the office.

    oh dear...not pleasant but you handle it well.

    It's not the first time she's stepped in it. My brother told her that she didn't look like she had lost weight but he hadn't seen her since last summer and thought she was small then..she lost 15 lbs..she was mad and I guess she passed it on..lol.

    She has issues with my cleavage..my sister is getting a breast reduction...I refuse to..I have exceptionally large, firm boobs for my age and I love them and refuse to have elective surgery because of her discomfort...lol.

    My husband was livid...but we're at my daughter's house, and my ten year old daughter took a video with her underwater camera and I'm in a bikini in it and I am like..wait..I look pretty good for 47 in a bikini...so eff her..

    I do miss working out but I've had one bingy day and now I'm back on track food wise..the swimming is awesome and I'll be working out again soon and I'll be a size 6 by year end. Watch me.

    Cheers ladies..you all rock like crazy.
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    photos..mmm...don't have one..have a face shot of me and my grandson! I'll upload that!
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member
    i just have to say that i had a great lift tonight (B4) topped off with some HIIT too, then a splash of yoga (5-10 min). It felt GREAT. There were are few guys in their mid 20s who looked new to the gym and they were standing next to one of the olympic barbells. After they stared at me do 12 DL at 90 lbs, one said, "Yes, she is definitely stronger than both of us". I had to chuckle. I am JUST getting started...teeehhheeeee :--)

    I am starting to get the hang of timing my calories. I "save" some on days I don't need to them to eat them later in the week after intense workouts. This seems to work much better than hitting a specific number per day. I will still aim for overall TDEE - 20% to see how that does. Still fine tuning my Macros.

    On a related note, who knew that I loved so much fat in my diet! ?!! Honestly I was at about 35-40% fat previously (unbeknownst to me)) Mostly good fats like avocados, nuts, olive oils, etc., but still I am trying to get that closer to 25%. Grr...I need more protein, not fat, but it is hard to switch. Over time I will get there. Admittedly the peanut butter cookie today did NOT help, but a woman has GOT to have an occasional cookie.

    Happy lifting all!!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Sue, did you just say you did 135lb single leg dead lifts? explain my dear.

    Stiff-legged DLs - much like RDLs only you don't push your butt back,and you keep your knees a bit stiffer than the slight beind of RDLS.

    Bonnie, you're here now and that's what counts!! As Mary said, if your form is right then increase. Schuyler says we will probably start out too light, so go for it! I didn't increase fast on some lifts, on others I could move up quickly. My ego wants me to go real heavy but I know I have to keep the form strong!

    Lamb, kudos for doing HIIT and Yoga after lifting. I don't have time and I know I don't have energy for that after. I change my cal based on my daily exercise. Right now I'm trying to stick to 1400 on no working days and 1700 on the days I workout. Yesterday I ate more 1800, because my cal burn was so high.

    Today,I did #2 of Stage 7. I used BB for the incline bench and was able to up my # by 5 (55) - better than I've been able to with DBs because the jump is 10#, that's exciting, I've been stuck at #25 DBs forever! I am hoping using the bar and 55 will help me get strong enough to use the #30 DBs! Every other lift was good, exhausting and I'm quite happy overall though I sure wish I could make more progress on my OHP.

    Sam, did you say you go to LA Fitness? There's one around the corner from me but it didn't look like they have a heavy weights area. My gym has recently opened up a new level for power lifters with some very exciting machines. They aren't like the standard machines that isolate the area you are working, these are basically like lifting, you really have to stabilize yourself to do the job correctly, but they are conducive to heavier weights since you can't drop the weights on yourself!. My trainer and I use them on Saturdays. Stay cool girl, it's really oppressive out there and the humidity is going to get worse as the week goes on.

    Mary, big dude isn't wrong, but tell him we don't do cardio!.

    Just in case no one told you yet today y'all are AWESOME!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    manic, big dude saying "do cardio" knows NOTHING. Listen NOT TO THE NOISE! I will PM you, but for some reason, when I try to do that, mfp says "site down for maintenance".
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    I'm doing "American deadlifts", now. Bret C. says they are DA BOMB for "glute activation". You can google him doing them on youtube.com. They are mostly like a straight-legged deadlift (which is what I was doing before). I find that I *do* push my butt back, WAY MORE in a straight-legged deadlift than a romanian deadlift. I think my body-type is just WRONG for romanian deadlifts and I never found them worked anything other than my quads...like every other "squat"-type of thing-y.

    NO MORE QUAD WORK. Not for me. Well, sometimes....
  • Bonnieg318
    Bonnieg318 Posts: 156 Member
    Alert alert!!! new lifter question what is TDEE?? And how do I figure it out??
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    Isn't the formula in the "New Rules of Lifting for Women" book??

    If not, I'm sure if you "search" TDEE on the mfp forums, you'll find some post that'll give you the way to figure it out.
  • Bonnieg318
    Bonnieg318 Posts: 156 Member
    Thanks Beeps I must have missed that part?? I will look it up in my book now!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    breeze - mothers suck. My mother keeps giving me size 16 clothes! (Which is what *she* wears!!) I've never been a size 16 in my life (I'm 5'9" at my tallest!)....but, have been a 12 before. In any event, I'm now a size 6/8, some 6's on top fit, some 6's on bottom fit, some 8's on top fit, some 8's on bottom fit. Every piece of clothing I get from my mom, I wear once (when she's visiting) and then I give it to my next door neighbour at the office.

    oh dear...not pleasant but you handle it well.

    It's not the first time she's stepped in it. My brother told her that she didn't look like she had lost weight but he hadn't seen her since last summer and thought she was small then..she lost 15 lbs..she was mad and I guess she passed it on..lol.

    She has issues with my cleavage..my sister is getting a breast reduction...I refuse to..I have exceptionally large, firm boobs for my age and I love them and refuse to have elective surgery because of her discomfort...lol.

    My husband was livid...but we're at my daughter's house, and my ten year old daughter took a video with her underwater camera and I'm in a bikini in it and I am like..wait..I look pretty good for 47 in a bikini...so eff her..

    I do miss working out but I've had one bingy day and now I'm back on track food wise..the swimming is awesome and I'll be working out again soon and I'll be a size 6 by year end. Watch me.

    Cheers ladies..you all rock like crazy.

    You go GIrl!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Jewel I was cycling my calories during 4W too. These days I look at my weekly totals. I may be way under one day and way over the next. It all comes out in the wash and seems to work for me. I also have high weeks and low weeks that follow my cycle. Most days I can stay pretty consistent though. I average 1700-2100 between lifting and non-lifting.

    Sue thank you for clarifying. I put hubby to work last night rubbing out my last set of SINGLE LEG DLs.

    We definitely skipped any outdoor activities today. I don't usually do 2 $50 days in one week, but this week I made an exception (I have a summer fun budget of course. It's were all of my over time goes.) Today was Monster min golf, Indoor mini golf under black light with a creepy Halloween type theme. I earned 147 for 45 min of putting. :laugh: I had to laugh at the fact that min golf was even in the data base. Since I'm currently set to sedentary I included it. (though I haven't been including my dog walking, I think that's pushing it)

    Got my workout in this morning and I was a hot mess, well I looked like one anyway. Since I looked like I went swimming on Monday, I wore lose running shorts with a cotton bright green tank and I was pre shower so the hair was jacked up too. I got in all three sets of both cycles. My FSPP is still 12@45. Hasn't increased at ALL in 18 months. I feel pathetic. On the other hand, I did 12@120 for my kneeling lat pull downs and it was fast. I definitely could have gone heavier, but the other exercises were kicking my but, literally, Damn those walking lunges.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Alert alert!!! new lifter question what is TDEE?? And how do I figure it out??
    I was looking for the awesome calculator I used to use, but now I can't find it...However, I can say that the estimates on te MFP calculator were actually really close to the one that took EVERYTHING into account.
    MFP gives you your TDEE based on your answers when you set up your account.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    OH I forgot to tell yall what I did yesterday!!

    You know, I skipped stage 6 in the book last year because I wasn't interested in a pull up. WELL! Since I am letting my son guide me these next few weeks ....... I tried the assisted chin up machine! I pulled up half of my body weight 10 times! :bigsmile: SOOOOOOO, my question --Should I just try to pull up my body weight one time or work towards it by doing several reps? Make sense?
  • Bonnieg318
    Bonnieg318 Posts: 156 Member
    Thanks Samntha!! I actually do recall reading this in the book and actually figuring it out! Wow some days I am slow.

    I start week 2 tonight. Excited to go to the gym!! I am going to watch a few dead lifts before I go to make sure I am doing them right. I hate lunges so I am not looking forward to those bit the rest I am!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I use the assist machine to do multiple reps as one of the exercises in my rotation.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I'm impressed you guys can actually do the assisted machine. The one we have does not allow me to position my hands correctly and forces me to use the wrong muscles. It didnt help me progress in my negative chin-ups at all. Now I just do three negative chin-ups at the end of each workout. I'm slowly able to hold them longer and longer.

    Skipped Supercharged and did a workout from the personal trainer today. My right quad is horrendously sore- almost like I actually injured it. I laid off the lunge work today- will see how it feels for Fridays workout,

    Bonnie, if you google "Maggie Wang New Rules Women Spreadsheet" you will find a very nice spreadsheet that does the ca lcu lagoons for you. But I like Scoobys calculator too.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sam, I am curious. Are you doing your body weight? I hope to get there eventually.

    What is a negative chin up? Is that what I am doing??
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    Check out my profile photo..or go into my photos..that's me and my 4 daughters at my oldest daughter's wedding :) So proud of her..all of them.

    I like the pictures.

    I love my dress

    Know what I love? My neck..not so visible in this but in others..I have a very defined neck and it makes me look strong and fit...weird the things you notice uh?
  • Bonnieg318
    Bonnieg318 Posts: 156 Member
    Cubbycowgirl thank you I will take a look at that!'

    Week 2 started tonight. I did just realize my form was wrong for deadlifts I didn't keep the bar close enough to my shins. Darn I thought I did so good tonight.

    Ok so there was a guy in the gym kept looking over at me and I immediately was intimidated. I wish I could go in and be invisable. It kind of threw me off my game. So as much as I enjoyed my workout I couldn't wait to get out of there.

    Breezedaze you look amazing in the picture and yes I get the neck thing. I have started to notice mine more and I like it!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Breeze, that color is great on you! You look wonderful and your daughters are all just so pretty. You remind me that I need a picture with my boys. I'm always the one holding the camera.

    Bonnie, when someone stares me down I ask, "Can I help you?" I've learned to interpret the stares. They range from "damn girl, you can lift." "Hmm she's kinda cute." to "Look at this chick who thinks she can lift." and my favorite, "What the hell is she doing?" I've been getting a lot of "What the hell is she doing?" When I do reverse lunge one armed cable rows. It's as hard as it sounds and looks really weird. Don't take it personally.

    Chubby, hope your leg feel better tomorrow. My assist machine has multiple hand holds. I tend to use the one with my hands facing each other. The over hand grip isn't in a place that I can actually reach. Maniac, I can do 10 reps of 95 which I've been doing the last few weeks. I was able to do 2 reps of my body weight, but I lost some strength along the way. I WAS able to do a full chin up or 2 after stage 7. It's been a while since I tried. Maybe after my last workout Friday, I'll give it a try. Also, the negative chin ups are in stage 6. You get yourself into a chin up position (I jumped and used my feet to climb the wall behind the roman chair/chin up bar lol), and hold yourself with your chin above the bar. Then you lower yourself as slowly as you can. You get to about 30 seconds or so. You're basically going down instead of up.

    My traps are seriously sore today. I'm all hunched over and my neck hurts. I'm not injured, it's just a bad case of DOMS. I really don't even know which exercise is working my traps so much.

    Today's excursion will be bowling. Gotta make use of those free games and this will be the hottest day of the week. real feel of 108. Lord Help us.

    PS: the FREE Bowling is a national program just google kids bowl free. I use the AMF Summer Unplugged program, and I paid a little to get 4 adults free too.