Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sue, no, I am not getting that quad work on the bulgarian split squat. IF I stretch my front working leg out, I lose all balance and the stretch on the raised leg is deeper!

    Ok, I have a thought for yall:

    Do yall wash your clothes in dirty water? Of course, not. Why? Because it does not clean as effectively nor is it good for you clothing. Right? The same goes for your cells, organs, skin, etc. Don't wash your cells and organs in dirty water. Drink plenty of water to refresh your cells . :wink:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I drank 3 quarts today. Hopefully that's enough because my bladder can't handle much more :laugh:

    Sue, you're very dedicated to go without AC.

    Made the mistake of making cookies today. It's been a while since I've baked and I ate nearly 4 of them. Thankfully the rest of the day was pretty healthy and my macros were still great.

    I hit a new record for myself with 7 servings of fruits and veggies yesterday. I've never loved either, but I'm learning how to make them work.
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    I was thinking..I'm not really on vacation..I'm on deadline working while visiting at my inlaws in the town where I grew up but my work is fun, the place is spectacular and it's like a vacation resort here.

    Yesterday the temperatures were high 20s celcius with bright sunshine and I did a two hour hike and walked up hills and over cliffs and up steps and down...now my glutes hurt worse than any gym workout could have.

    I stopped three times to write and today I hope to walk a different trail on the other side of the islands.

    I have today and part of tomorrow left here then I go back and my real vacation starts on Wednesday when I fly to Ontario for my daughter's wedding...but again...beautiful places to walk and she has a pool so no excuse to not move even if I can't lift.

    I'm working on the water..need to improve...yesterday was good but don't like the water here so much so it's a chore..I bought three bottles of sparkling water but I think its' all gone and there would be none here. I have bottled water in my car I should refrigerate..thanks for the reminder!

    You all are making me want to lift again...this break will kill me! I will get right back to it and maybe I'll get in a session on the weekend when I'm home.

    I think I'll visit those ponies today.

  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Mornin gals! Happy Fourth to the Americans and belted happy Canada day to the Canadians!

    Breeze - sounds like you should move if you can be productive AND enjoy life so much!

    Cowgirl - having junk in the house is my downfall...bet the cookies were delish, though! I am not crazy about stage 6.

    Manic - maybe you need to stretch your quads and hip flexors before you do the bss. Of that group of moves, the bss shd have the most intense quad work. As far as balance, make sure your stance is wide enough. Gonna go get some clean water for my cells right now!

    Sue - I am looking forward to the challenge of stage 7!

    Headed out for a run....will lift tomorrow!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Ouchie! DOMS from hell. Always happens the first workout of a new routine. I felt a little sore yesterday, but not really anything painful, so I went ot my 9pm Zumba class. They did a tag team routine again. The dude was even like, "Annie is insane. She pushes so hard. I just do the slow stuff." Yup, he did the hear-rate recovery routines. She actually set off my Asthma last night, which means my HR was well over 160 at one point. By he time I got home showered an sat on the couch with hubby, my butt was on fire. Damn sing;e-leg DL. AWESOME!! My hubby gave me a deep tissue massage which sounds a lot sexier than it is because it was rather painful. I had planned on lifting today. Not sure I can manage it.

    SUe, why doesn't your gym have their damn AC on a timer? I mean really! They are endangering your health by NOT turning it on earlier. Please stay uber hydrated my friend.

    Cowgirl, I miss baking so much and it was always something fun to do with the kids. I want to get that cookbook, I think Ray Romano's wife wrote it, full of healthy baking recipes. I know we can substitute applesauce for butter or something. I'll have to look that up.

    Breeze, wherever you are, I want to come. Sounds like our perfect vacation.

    Happy 4th my fellow Americans!! ANd Happy Belated Canada Day (better name for an Independence DAy I think lol.)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    All looks really good in here! Look at all the EXERCISE minutes this group tackles on a daily basis!?!?!?!?

    Happy 4th of July to American ladies!

    manic - I *am* drinking my water, water, water - BELIEVE ME!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    GREAT everyone! Drink up that water especially since it's so hot and we are perspiring like crazy in the gym/outside.

    I will only get to workout twice this week. Hubby has been gone all week and I took youngest child to gym with me. She was good but neither of us like her sitting up front by herself. It's an open area and she can look into the gym but still...... Anyway, he'll be home tonight and I can go tomorrow. I might have a rest week next week since it will be TOM week. Hence, the reason I 've been infatuated with chocolate and cookies this week.

    Sam, ahhhh, a massage sounds great.

    Sue, :( , sorry about the heat.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    No *rest* week for TOM, manic!! I'm on the rag, right now, and I just keep on keepin' on....

    It's 2013 - you don't have to lock yourself up anymore when Aunt dot is visiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps, I suffer from extreme fatigue during TOM so some months I have an involuntary rest week, or four days. Shouldn't be a problem during the summer because I can get in early when I still have energy. After work though, it's less likely to happen.

    Mary I've been good with the water today. 64 oz down! I needed to wash out the lactic acid. oh and deep tissue massage freaking hurts, not relaxing at all. They squeeze the muscles helping them to break down and squeeze out the lactic acid so you can rebuild faster. Mostly it just hurts lol. My husband used to get them all the time when we had the money. Now he settles for me and compression socks.

    Tomorrows plan will be a split session to make up for being lazy bones today. Lifting in the morning and Zumba at night, I'm actually really under calories between today and yesterday. Hmmm.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I suffer extreme fatigue too! Plus, my legs and other regions :blushing: ACHE horribly. It seems the older I get the worse the symptoms become.

    OOOOOH, SAM! I want a deep muscle massage. I bet it hurts but feels so good afterwards.

    Not so good with my water today. Ya know, the radiation literally fried my saliva glands so I always have water with me but today..... I just haven't drank it like I should.
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    Look at all you lifting heavy stuff and I just got to walk today..which was awesome but I need to throw some metal around..know what? My fingers still hurt from the plate falling on them...better but not completely healed.

    I'll spend most of August between home and here.

    but I'll lift when I'm home...I will never wish summer away but I truly am looking forward to September because when the kids go back to school I'm doing a serious training starting then and ending with me super hot in a bikini before next summer....

    Lot of work but that's the goal...work work work work..lift lift lift lift...
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Maniac, I have to say, the glutes recovered a LOT quicker. But now my back hurts. I was hyper focused on my form doing Wide DLs this morning and of course I tweaked my back. When I DON'T pay attention I'm fine, Go figure.

    Got my first workout in this morning and the kids had fun in the kid club with their cousins. Now to eat like crazy to make sure I have a reasonable amount of calories in before the second workout.

    Breeze, I really hope you hand starts feeling better soon. Enjoy your time.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    OMG I have DOMS from Wed RDLS and yesterday's spin! I'm rolling like crazy, and stretching as much as I can. Today is rest, just some house cleaning and laundry (up & down stairs, multiple times). I lift tomorrow and with the trainer. We're going to talk about what program to do after NROL4W.

    I killed water yesterday! Had to, it was hot as H*LL here! And I was dead on my macros and cals - this week of clean eating has done the trick, the 4 lbs added are gone and I'm feeling good!

    I will tell you all that I am VERY happy to be done with TOM. It's been 20-ish years and I do not miss it one little bit. I remember well enough how it would affect my whole week. I do feel for you all.

    Breeze your summer sounds awesome!! Enjoy it!

    I'm working from home today. Not much to do, and it's going quickly. Then the rest of the day is mine.
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    I am home..now I have an assignment tonight and all day tomorrow..but tomorrow's assignment is a day on a yacht...not a bad gig uh?

    I walked for...2 hours today...I also ate a junk food....it's all about balance! I rarely eat junk food but had a can of pop, a small candy bar, a pack of potato chips and a snowball...it was awesome...

    But I walked for two hours so...

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    YOu know what they say about best laid plans. Didn't get to the zumba class. Hubby got home a half hour late. It's ok. I was tired and the kids were happily doing what they were doing. I got in my workout this morning and now I'm still almost 400 under for the day.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Today is girl's night out and I'm cash poor, so at least I won't overeat. Keep cool kids.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    I got my lifting in, yesterday. Had my anniversary date with husband last night. So, skipped cardio this morning!


    Left eye cataract being removed Aug. 29. Right eye cataract being removed Sept. 5. So, no lifting for 3 weeks after Aug. 29. Booooooooooo. Actually, NO EXERCISE at ALL. Boo hoo hooooooooooooooooo.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Be a good girl and follow dr.'s orders. Heal up Beeps. Happens a lot in my family, the surgery is so much more efficient now. Best of luck to you. At least you have a few weeks between now and then. :flowerforyou:
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Oh yea, I'm glad they are doing both close to each other Beeps, you'll have a minimum of down time. My dad had his done, and poof, no more glasses! He's a handsome ol' cuss and now his gorgeous eyes are even more gorgeous! I'll be sending good healing wishes during that whole time.

    Got my lifting in today - chest, shoulders, lats, and did leg presses and walking lunges for my legs then finished up with core. My trainer forgot it was Saturday so I did my own workout.

    It's steamy here today. I'm going to grill some chicken and turkey burgers for tonight and tomorrow and make spaghetti squash for dinner. Fresh and local - yum!

    Sam, have big fun tonight!!

    Push those weights ladies!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member

    Got my 2 days in this week. better than nothing. Prefer 3. I added a little to stage 2 and deleted a little. I am bored with the program . Guess that happens when you repeat the program for a 2nd time. Anyway, instead of crunches I did the apparatus where you hold your body weight up on arms and raise legs up in air. (works lower abs) Plus, I added arm curls, shoulder shrugs, skiing type movement with arms (????) to work the back of the arm. Regular lunges instead of lunges from a box.

    Sam, have fun tonight!

    Go Sue Go. Go Go Go!!