Daily Chat Thread



  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Rzarley - we each picked three goals to meet every week then we post on Monday - or whenever! Barbell cowgirl keeps track.
    I rode my bike to work (1), lifted three times (2), and was pretty close on protein (3). I am 3/3.

    I had a good lifting session yesterday. I finally stopped using dumbbells on my single leg squats and used the barbell at 55lbs. I had too many dumbbell exercises in my workout and was having trouble holding anything by the end of my workout. And a great Mother's Day- we went to Molalla river state park for a picnic and a hike. My kids whined less than usual and the ( still newish dog) loved it. He got pretty muddy and had his first bath.
    He did not leave any " presents" in the house. That's better than an empty sink for me.
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    Good Morning Y'all!!
    I hope everyone's weekend was splendiferious! I managed 6/7 days getting a workout in, and going to do it again this week. Still need to work on my protein. I tweak my Trapezius muscle on Thursday during Cage Fitness, and struggled all weekend with it, but still managed lifting on Friday, Kickboxing Saturday, and running 4 miles Sunday! Mother's day was fantastic! I got to see all 3 of my children (I have 2 busy teenage step- daughters (16, and one who will be 20 in JUNE!!) who I don't get to see as often as I would like), got to run, and a NAP!! I never get a nap, followed by BBQ that my kids made for me! I had a nice NSV on Saturday! I did a little shopping with my mom, and bought a pair of Size 12 skinny pants that fit B- E- A- U- tifully!

    Sunshine- I see what you are working for now. I know I misinterpreted what you were saying, and still have not had time to read the article link you provided, but I will make time. I love, and crave new info. I think lifting can only benefit you. Adding muscle (which is hard for woman anyway, and at any age) will only benefit your overall health. I started lifting in Oct. 2013, and try to eat at a slight deficit. I have not lost too much on the scale, but have seen some MAJOR body recomp. on my end. I foolishly did not take measurements when I started, but pictures are worth a 1000 words. I will need to post a couple, when I can find the time.

    Jo- I am very interested in trying TVP now! I am always trying to find good plant based proteins, to replace some of the animal based ones for my son who suffers from high cholesterol issues. His nutritionist said the more animal based fat, and proteins we can eliminated, or limit...the better!

    Samntha- I would love to be able to get a good workout in @ home! Sadly that won't happen too many distractions for me, and I just can not get motivated while I'm there. I find I can't turn my brain off. At the gym it is my neutral zone where I don't think about work or home.

    Ari- Welcome!!! This group of ladies inspire me daily! I am sure they will for you too!

    Redlipstick- Good Luck w/ Bikinigeddon...lol! My family sometimes think I'm over dedicated too, but we do this for us..not them. You go!!

    Holding off from indulging in any alcoholic beverages until this weekend! My birthday is the 19th, and I am having a weekend trip- Dancing Friday, boating on the lake Saturday day, MMA fights on Saturday night (YEAH!!), and Sunday morning Recovery brunch (MMM! Bloody Mary's, and Mimosa's). I can't wait!

    I hope everyone meets their personal goals, and challenges for the week!

    GO US!!!
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member

    My kids whined less than usual and the ( still newish dog) loved it.

    :laugh: That's a Mother's day gift!
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    I'm wondering a little why getting enough protein is a chore for some. I put in my intake for today, partially ingested so far and I'm getting 114g from a serving of greek yogurt, a serving of cottage cheese, a serving of beef meatballs, 6oz of chicken thighs and then misc grams from other foods. My goal is 111grams not counting exercise caloires.

    Also when I was reading over the weekend there was some talk about bars and shakes. 95% of the time I don't use either or any protien powder to reach protein goals. The exception to that is this time of the year I do start having a hemp smoothie in place of a meal when it's hot but not as addtional meal but in place of a regular whole food meal.

    Nice today but we have sucky hot weather in store for us this week.... upper 80s which I am not exicited about. The only good thing is I get to wear summer stuff and show off my arms. :happy:

    DNAmouse love your new kitty! We have two boys that just celebrated their first birthday. Thor and Shadow, I'll post a picture of them sometime.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Rain is pending. We'll see if I get to run.

    I need new goals.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Runz, my new goal is just to do Supercharged. I have no real goals right now.
    I set my maintenance cals too low and I'm over every dang day.
    Nancy, the at home workout NEVER happened. That'swhy I went early Mothers day morning lol.
    My protein barely hit 100g today, but I was lazy and made Annie's Mac and cheese for dinner.

    PS I went back to costco and bought another color of the outfit I had on the other day. I like that one better. Can't beat it for $25
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Attempting to workout when the cat thinks your hair flopping about is a play toy and then jumps onto your tummy when trying to do underhand table rows (my version of lat pulldowns cos I don't have the equipment lol) is interesting :wink: :laugh: Good thing she only weighs about 1.9kg :tongue:

    Apparently I've worn her out and she's asleep in the sun now :heart:

    Still thinking about new goals. It'll come to me eventually!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Lol @ bikinigeddon

    Nancy...yay for you!! My birthday is this month as well...go Gemini!!

    Rocky..114g? That is great!! I strain to meet my protein macro every time!!

    Dna :laugh:

    Checking in...I think I will splurge for a 3/3!!! My Body Composition Analysis last Friday saw a decrease in Body Fat et al...and my pictures seemed to agree with that....getting a little body definition.....I can now do ten wide pull-ups and narrow-grip chin-ups, albeit assisted...3 sets of 10 pushups full body (I vary them, fly, diamond, wide fly, side to side...still working on military)....lifting went very well today....I progressively added 5 lbs to each workout...and I have 97 (out of 150g) of protein today...and I met my caloric goal today - and then some!! Yaayyyy!!!

    Lift on, ladies!!!
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    This morning, the measuring tape told me I'm getting fatter again. Size 10 jeans are too big and the 8s are too small :grumble: The 8s fit before starting New Rules again :grumble:

    With that said, I started Stage 3 today and made the BWM my b!tch. First round: 2:42. Second round: 2:27. Shocka. Locka. Boom. My first plank was 110 seconds. :smokin:

    Awesome plank time!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Great job on the challenge ladies! We still have two more weeks- let's rock it!

    I'm 2/3 this week- with the little one having surgery I decided not to log for a few days and I skipped one workout. Giving myself a 2 because the days that I did log , my protein averaged 165 grams/day and my cals were great. And I didn't go crazy the days I didn't log.

    Lift on ladies- I will get caught up soon!
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    WillLift:shrimp and tilapia sounds really good. How did you cook them?
    Nancy: happy almost your birthday!
    Sam: $25 outfits make my heart happy
    Bepee: Congrats on the body fat being down! When do we get to see progress pictures?

    I didn't last night. I was just too tired. So tonight I lift and I'm going to try to do three tabatas tonight since I hgained a little weight in Indiana. Just two pounds so I'm not worrIed about getting it back off. Also bepee has me curious about knowing exactly what my body fat percentage is. I think at the end of stage four I'm going to get the bod pod test and then start getting them monthly. Have a great Tuesday ladies!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Rocky, for me the problem comes in 2 forms: (1) I'm pescetarian, so the regular proteins, chicken, beef, pork are out, and (2) if I'm not careful, my whole day can be all carbs and fats just because they're yummy and I automatically go that route :ohwell:
    Dna, your new family member sounds adorable. My coworker just got a new puppy and man am I feeling the urge! NO!
    Bepee, you're absolutely ROCKING it girl!! I agree with Red, pics?? :)
    Red, it depends. My hubby cooked tilapia with a bit of butter and sauerkraut, with a side of whole wheat pasta and marinara. Sounds weird, I know, but it was yummy. Today, I'm craving a grilled shrimp and avocado salad...hmmm...

    Well, I put my mind to it and whatdoyaknow, it worked. I hit 109 g of protein on my first challenge day, lifted, and all around had a successful day. I still have a huge cardio hole to fill so I'm thinking zumba today? Have a great one ladies!
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    Bepeejaye- Awesome work! Pretty cool to see the body fat decrease and have progress pictures that help visualize that decrease. Keep it up! Love hearing about your progress of chin-ups and pull-ups. Those are hard-core.

    What is bikinigeddon?

    I've gained 6 pounds since starting NROL4W.

    I feel amazing, though, and the hubby told me last night that I am looking really strong. I feel like my body is changing in ways that it hasn't before. I have been eating a TON of protein--around 145-160 a day. My carbs seem to go over on most days. I should take measurements again. How often do you all take measurements?
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    Hey Ladies Happy Tuesday!

    Bepee- Congrats! Where do you get your BF measured? Someone told me maybe Walgreens? I have not measured mine, but I see BIG difference in pics. I can not wait till my arms are strong enough for pull ups!

    BarbellCowgirl- I hope the little one is doing well after surgery.

    Willlift- Nice job with the protein.

    Marieann- Feeling strong is so much more important than the scale! I think this is great!

    I managed to get 140g out of 164g (target) yesterday. I also did both my Cage Fitness Class, and Kickboxing for a total of 75 min. workout, and well over 1000 calories burned! I did have a protein shake before bed last night I was STARVING!!! I still woke up this morning @ 4:30 am hungry again! Today I am suppose to lift however, I have to go to AT&T store the sales lady did a major mess up on my plan 2 Saturdays ago when I added my youngest to it. :explode: Now I get to go deal with them again after work. I hope it doesn't take another 2 hours, or I may not get it in tonight. We will see.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Thank you all!
    Aye, someone please revisit bikinigeddon....I missed it too! :laugh:

    Red/Will, I will post pics...maybe many moons to come....if I can overcome the shyness - I really need to get over myself :laugh:

    Red/Marie/Nancy, I agree about the pics....and I have that kind of body where I did have not seen any visual changes (I know, I guess we are our own worst critic), clothes did not fit differently, even though I have gotten more powerful. I honestly thought I had some kind of disorder...had blood-work done and all kinds of hormones checked - nothing...lol! I had always gone for body composition analysis tests, but stopped when I moved into this little town where one would just about have to milk a chicken to at least get a decent machine lol!!

    Then I did more research...they have a bod pod at a local university here, but I would have to drive an hour away...then I found this fitness club (different from the gym that I go to), and voila! They do have a machine, albeit not as advanced as the one I used to go for before moving here. But it is very close to the real thing. It is an electrical impedance machine (one stands on the machine's sensors, and also hold some with the hands), and so far, has proven quite useful. So even if I cannot see any outward changes (or microscopic changes on the pictures), I now have proof that something is indeed happening inward! It takes all the measurements that I deem important like, extra-intra cellular water, lean mass on each segment of the body, dry lean mass, BMR, how much fat I would need to lose, and more importantly, how much muscle I need to gain etc....With the new values, I then go into MFP and adjust my macros as needed.

    I still wish I could have my old machine back, but this will do. I cannot wait to see what next month brings!!

    TRX Suspension Training class followed by Core Class then Zumba saw to my high today! I did have a bit of a problem with my HRM, but I fixed the problem....aaahh....feels good to be intoxicated lol

    Looking good, ladies!!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    rocky, I have a medical problem that keeps me from a lot of protein intake. I no longer produce saliva due to 70 radiation treatments 10 years ago which burned the bad stuff and fried the good ole saliva glands. Cancer free now for 10 years .:bigsmile: :drinker: I'll have a CT scan next month. Anyway, digestion begins in the mouth. Saliva has enzymes that break food down. Water is now my source of break down and water does NOT break meat down like it will breads/carbs.

    JO, I was gonna say something to you but .........

    Sam , thanks . Can you believe I worked out that late!! NO workout this week. I'm at the beach and not eating properly. UGH!
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    Bikinigeddon. ... so I made a bucket list for the summer and the main thing on it for me is to finally wear a bikini without shame. I'm buying there bikini June 21 and call this momentous day bikinigeddon. I either have to get a great body or accept the one I have. I've been working on acceptance for twenty some years and I'm still failing so its gonna have to be the body. Any who I did my final a workout last night and two tabata complexes. I was exhausted by the end of it. I used the bar for my lunges and rows but I don't have the DOMS I thought I would have. Its still early though. I'm lifting again tonight officially finishing stage two. I'm ready for the body recomp to start in on my stomach now. Hopefully stages 3&4 make it happen.
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    Good Morning Y'all!

    Manic- I have to say Congrats 10 years Cancer free is AWESOME, and AWE inspiring. You are truly a strong women inside, and out!

    Red- You are beautiful even without being comfortable in a bikini, but I know you will make it through bikinigeddon, and you are worth all of your effort!

    Beeps- I tried the mix grip with my deadlifts last night! Not only did I not suffer from grip fatigue. I added another 5lbs. to put me at 120lbs. for my deadlift on stage 4. I did not do them from the box, as I am not a sure of my footing on the box. Pushed out 3set of 8 reps! only the last 2 reps of the 3rd set really required me to push myself! I also increased my lat pull downs from 95lb. to 100 lbs! All because my grip was not tired! I am definitely going to keep using the mixed grip for my deadlifts! Thanks.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Nancy, that is great! Mixed grip is the way to go. Chalk helps as well.

    I apologize for being so quiet this week. Just so busy. No lifting today- I will get it tomorrow.
    My NSV this week: I upped my RDLs to 140lbs for 3 sets of 10 and did 3 X10 chin-ups with bands. Strength is going UP! Yay!
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    Nancy, that is great! Mixed grip is the way to go. Chalk helps as well.

    I apologize for being so quiet this week. Just so busy. No lifting today- I will get it tomorrow.
    My NSV this week: I upped my RDLs to 140lbs for 3 sets of 10 and did 3 X10 chin-ups with bands. Strength is going UP! Yay!

    Man I wish I had a like button! This is fabulous!