

  • Muscle may weight more than fat, but remember, a pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat!
  • 1000 calories?! Well, it's not calorie intake! Try checking these things: Make sure you don't get too many grams of protein, carbs, and/or fats. When you eat more than your body needs, your liver converts in into fat! If you're eating perfectly fine, try exercising more! Maybe an hour or two hours a day instead of 30…
  • Yes! Actually, I recently learned the reason behind my food addicion. When I was in 6th grade (I'm now 18), I was on medication for Tourett's Syndrome. Now, they don't have a speicific medication for Tourette's, but anti-psychotics and even anti-depressants are used. Anti-depressants and anti-psychotics work about the same…
  • Technically, you should consume 25 calories for every kg you weigh. So, for you, if you want to maintain your current weight, you should be eating about 1600 calories.
  • To add; Too much sodium will make your potassium levels drop. Again, too much potassuim will make your sodium drop. They are on a constant leveling. But yes, too much sodium everyday can make your risk for highblood pressure and other problems associated with that higher.
    in Sodium Comment by cmgriffis March 2011
  • My friend uses frostwire. It's similar to limewire, but if the file is corrupt (has a virus, not whole song, song altered, etc.) it tells you before downloading it; then asks if you want to download anyway. He says it's great and never really has problems from it. He also uses Windows Media Player as his format. I…
  • I'm a teen too(: I've been trying to lose weight unsuccessfully for many years now, but that was because I never stuck to the programs. Well, I work out twice a week. When I do exercise, it's a lot! But, I also eat less. To me, running once a week releases the load of stress I have of school/work/homework, ya know? My…
  • I totally understand how you feel. My goal is to be at 160 (from 250). I've always been so frustrated in myself because I couldn't lose weight even though I'm so crazy active! Well, now that I have a food diary that tracks all my caloric intake and exercise calories, it helps! Just keep going and stay strong! Log in…
  • Well, I've only seen one episode, but what they do is get a personal trainer and they work out ALL the time! They work everyday, eat right, and REALLY push themselves to go hard and lose the weight. It's pretty much all about motivation and keeping up the intense workout day after day. Along with eating right of course.
  • Well, to me, whenever I work out in excess and haven't eaten much, I crave food of any kind. So, I basically crave calories. Although, I will admit I have a food addiction and every now and then when I eat fast food, I will crave it for the next 2 or 3 days. When that happens I just remind myself of all the calories I ate.…
  • I personally exersice about 3-4 days of the week. Although, when I do, it's for quite some time and it's a pretty intense work out!
  • Thanks! I was kinda worried, but you two really helped! Haha! I wanted to make sure I wasn't cheating or anything.