moppy1356 Member


  • what is a 'green' pan - non-stick?
  • [I guess I am a low fat under 10g saturated, under 30g total fat pescatarian sort of vegan eater. My fish is sustainable kind and my egg whites are organic, free range, non hormone. Dairy is out and so is butter. Coconut oil if I must. Works for me.
  • lots of things here fit me - I am diabetic A1C of 122 (6.8 in Canada) and vegan so getting enough protein and low carb is kind of hard for me but in 6 months of being vegan I have lost 10 lbs and off Metformin and 2 of 3 cholesterol drugs I used to take. I do still have fish once or twice a week and egg whites so not…
  • Thank you all for your responses - it helps to know I do not have to buy 'deleting for dummies"
  • Thank you LeonCX that did the trick.