

  • To Simlane: Thanks for the encouragement. I need to start walking more. I am trying to do Yoga but I am so stiff and need to take it slow. It is so hard to keep the calories down. I don't mean to go over my limit but it seems like at the end of each day when I log on to this site and add up my calories I am over - not as…
  • I know it has to be one day at a time but it seems that when I add my calories at the end of each day I haven't done any better than the day before. I am always over and can't seem to keep it under my calorie limit. Any tips on staying under your calorie limits? I really want this but can't seem to tell myself NO. Thanks…
  • I like everyones ideas about starting off by just walking. I feel like everything I do is a challenge because I need to lose so much weight (105#) but I know I have to keep trying. I have a really bad time with my legs & ankles swelling. Is bicycling a good exercise if you are really heavy or would walking be better? Good…
  • Does anyone know how to gain willpower? I don't just lack in willpower I am totally without any. I just started this diet / exercise plan on Monday and have been over on calories, etc every single day. Two of my daughters and I are trying to do this together and I need to be a role model for them but I need some advise. I…
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