Total Lack of Willpower - Gracie1979

rm79weaver Posts: 5
edited November 2023 in Introduce Yourself
Does anyone know how to gain willpower? I don't just lack in willpower I am totally without any.

I just started this diet / exercise plan on Monday and have been over on calories, etc every single day.

Two of my daughters and I are trying to do this together and I need to be a role model for them but I need some advise. I need to lose 105 pounds. I don't want to be dieting for the rest of my life so I want to do this right the first time.

Any suggestions or words of wisdom?



  • Does anyone know how to gain willpower? I don't just lack in willpower I am totally without any.

    I just started this diet / exercise plan on Monday and have been over on calories, etc every single day.

    Two of my daughters and I are trying to do this together and I need to be a role model for them but I need some advise. I need to lose 105 pounds. I don't want to be dieting for the rest of my life so I want to do this right the first time.

    Any suggestions or words of wisdom?

  • klynn328
    klynn328 Posts: 4 Member
    The best words I ever heard were 'When you really want it, it will happen.'

    Simple, direct and to the point. It totally sucks because it's the truth. You're the only one who has control over whether you succeed.

    Also, this shouldn't be a quick fix solution. Make it a lifestyle change. Healthier eating habbits and daily exercise just make good sense.

    Good luck!
  • I agree, it's funny how once you start any thing is an improvement on doing nothing.
    You do start to feel better, even just 1 week and I am so much more motivated that I can't see not getting results! Different from putting off exercising or over eating

    just doing my workout today, made me feel so much better, I could have just sat and watched TV but 30 min later, after my HIP HOP ABS workout, I still have the rest of day to relax!
    I just have to tell myself to KEEP IT UP!
    Good luck to you!
  • jeannius
    jeannius Posts: 5 Member
    I just joined a few minutes ago...we all have our reasons, whether it is for looks, a vacation, or upcoming celebration of some sort, clothes...HEALTH..or for being role models for our kids...
    I think if you have a lot to lose...I have about 60 lbs...then it can be overwhelming and the motivation...well it's sort of like.."what's the point??"...
    HOWEVER...I find that I can be very successful if I take it one day at a week at a time...then I can manage it!!

    Let's help each other! We can do this!!
  • I know it has to be one day at a time but it seems that when I add my calories at the end of each day I haven't done any better than the day before. I am always over and can't seem to keep it under my calorie limit.

    Any tips on staying under your calorie limits? I really want this but can't seem to tell myself NO.

    Thanks for all of your input. I wish all of you the best and hope that we can help each other.

    Good luck for the coming week.
  • simlane
    simlane Posts: 31 Member
    hi, i need to lose a bit more than you but just remeber how happy u'll be when the weight starts to go down. i know it can be really hard i was over by 1250 cals on my second day and yeah thats awful but that juat gave me the motivation to walk further to the shops the next day and to use the stairs more often rather than sitting around all day.
    it is really hard and nothing will work instantly but if you can just change to a few low cal snacks ,i have breadsticks now if im hungry followed by water and normally thats enough and you can keep yr cals down, rather than lots of crisps n choc which is my downfall. i still have them but i plan around it or walk after meals with high cals so i dont feel guilty eating the food i love.
    good luck hun, hoep to hear from you soon, remember if you manage to lower yr cals by only 50 a day its better than nothing, u'll get there hun x
  • mdup777
    mdup777 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi all!

    Been two days for me since I found this website. Even though I have been walking since the beginning of June, I see a slight change in the way my clothes fit. BUT, when you work at it and you try on those pair of pants or a dress you haven't had on in a while and it fits, that's JOY!!!! I will weigh myself in another 3 weeks and I'm sure the weight will start coming off. You just have to make up your mind, no matter what your outside influences are and do it for yourself. For me, I want to improve my health because I'm a diabetic and don't want my health to suffer because of it. I have a supportive husband who himself wants to get in shape too. I have about 15 pounds to lose and he has about 40. You need that support system.

  • To Simlane:

    Thanks for the encouragement. I need to start walking more. I am trying to do Yoga but I am so stiff and need to take it slow.

    It is so hard to keep the calories down. I don't mean to go over my limit but it seems like at the end of each day when I log on to this site and add up my calories I am over - not as bad today but I have always been over.

    I hope you are successful at your goal. Keep your chin up and lets encourage each other. It's hard when others around you don't know how it feels to know you need to lose a lot of weight and it seems like it is never coming off.

    I guess we need to take it one day at a time and always be mindful of how much and what we eat.

    Good luck. Have a wonderful week and I will talk to you soon.

  • ladydi
    ladydi Posts: 88 Member
    Hey I know the feeling I thought I didn’t have any will power either but being strict on myself has made me lose 4 pounds in a week!!! And that alone keeps me motivated!! What works for me is that I have to plan my meals ahead of time and only keep good things in the house your kids will have to understand instead of snack cakes a chips I buy my kids granola bars and lots of fruit and healthy snacks I know what you’re going through I have been there my weakness is sweets cookies, cakes, pies you name it but I have found alternatives for example the 100 calorie packs are good and there is a brand of ice cream called skinny cow there ice cream sandwiches are the bomb and there only 140 calories !!! Just keep your head up and take it one day at a time. Good luck to you
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