

  • THANK YOU EVERYONE for your thoughts! I Love all your advice. I will start implementing ....
  • Thanks guys. I actually have a bizarrely low heart rate. I was monitored for it once, but I guess I was either born that way or the docs don't know why it's so slow. They asked if I exercised a lot, and of course I had to laugh. I have the resting heart rate of a marathon runner. Hah. One side effect can be…
  • Haha, right. I totally do that too! Well, in other ways.
  • LOL. I know that feeling. Unfortunately it's hard to hide a fat face too (for me), and when I get big, my face starts to chunk up. I used to love being in pictures, but at the moment .... NOPE. I'm a hider!
  • The best way - fresh fruits & veggies! That is what i've had to do. I hate starving, and the only way to stay within my 1200 calories and still feel stuffed is to eat whole foods and a plant-based diet (big salads with only enough dressing to make it palatable, and I love fresh fruit, etc). Also I put a crock pot of pinto…
  • Wow, thanks everyone! Sure appreciate all your thoughts & feedback. Very kind.
  • I absolutely am lacking in the fresh veggies and fruits department. Adding more fiber (fruits/veggies) would make me feel more full without the added fat and sugar you get in processed food. I will make a big effort to start eating more fresh stuff. Thank you!
  • THANK YOU everyone for your comments, care and suggestions. It's very kind of you to take the time and share your thoughts. I have found every one of them helpful and encouraging (or funny). Thank you!
  • Funny you should ask. From a doctor's perspective, I'm perfectly healthy. I'm vegetarian, so my cholesterol is very low and my blood pressure is very low (and always has been). However, I know I'm not at my optimum health because I'm overweight, and it's not that my food choices are necessarily bad. The problem is I love…
  • Thank you! I appreciate your thoughts.