I've been hovering between Misses and plus size clothes for a couple of months. I've kind of been at the point where I'm not really sure what size I am; I mean in tops they all look "fine" to me. But yesterday I realized I need to stop wearing clothes that are too big. I went coat shopping, and when I stepped into the…
Deciding that my health is my highest priority. Deciding that treats are for special occasions, and special occasions don't happen all that often. Taking it one day at a time. Understanding that the process is not linear.
I'm glad I saw your post. I set mini goals of losing 5% of my weight. But I haven't been rewarding myself? Why not? Maybe I feel I don't deserve rewards but of course I do! So now to think about my rewards!!
It is probably summer vacation now, but, in addition to the other suggestions, can you - take a different route home? Or, order apple slices and an unsweet iced tea instead?
Hi Winley. Your question is an interesting one because the snacks are free and supplied by the office. I have a similar situation in that co-workers love to bring in various treats for whatever occasion might be happening. I follow hellokathy's strategy by bringing in snacks of my own that fit my plan. I also think about…
I've been on this quest since last June. My chiropractor, whom I see about every 6 to 8 weeks, finally noticed at my most recent visit that I had lost weight.
Wow. I love the change in the appearance of your face. Just lovely.
Fantastic. So inspiring.
Welcome, and thanks for sharing your story. I am inspired.
That is a fantastic loss. No sense dwelling on the past. Keep up the good work and keep moving forward!:smile:
good for you for speaking up for yourself. I once had a supervisor who would bring up his "concern for my health" in every discussion I had with him. I definitely should have spoken up because clearly he had no other evidence that my health was of concern, than that I was overweight. makes my blood boil thinking about it.…
Thank you for posting this. I wasn't sure what I was looking for on MFP when I joined and started looking for friends. Now I know, YOU and your story are what I was looking for .
I'm sending you a friend request because you are an amazing, inspiring person. Your post brought tears to my eyes. You've taken responsibility for your own body and your own health in the same way that I am striving to do. Thank you for sharing!!!!!
Thank you for sharing your story and how you succeeded. Keep taking care of yourself!
This is a great post. I can definitely relate. My father was an alcoholic, and my mom was an emotional eater. I am lucky that i too have forgiven them, they have conquered their demons, and we have a good relationship now. It was not easy. I was loved with food growing up. Typical scenario - my father would get drunk and…
Ah, I am familiar with the ice cream you're describing, and its silky deliciousness. :tongue: I have a long list of foods that I just do not buy anymore (and it continues to grow) because the temptation is too great and I know once I open the bag or container, I will eat it all. It's unfortunate that I can't have "a little…
Fantastic. Thanks.