

  • It all depends on how rapidly you want to lose the weight and how much you want to maintain that weight. I'm doing only 1200 cals a day and exercising 30/60 minutes 6 times a week. I want a rapid weightloss and a totally life style change in my diet. Maintaining it is the key. Don't forget you can eat as much salad and…
  • My only advice is to keep busy and get outside (if you can). I honestly works. It doesn't have to be full on exercise, just a walk or a play in the park with the kids. It really does make you have a better day/outlook. Good luck... I totally understand the feeling! Just keep reminding yourself, its worth it!
  • I'd like to know the same thing. I do a lot of exercise each day and never lose any weight unless I actually keep my calories to 1200 per day.
  • Sounds like moderation is the key... even if I am dying to have a coke right now. I've gone from a 1.25ltr bottle per day of the 'real' stuff to only 1 can of coke in the last 12 days! I think I'll use diet coke as a treat/reward system based on all of your comments. Thanks guys!
  • Good luck!!!
  • I'm exactly the same. I love sweet food after my dinner. I try to go for a walk or just keep myself busy. Cleaning my teeth straight after my meal really helps.
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