

  • Thanks, I just need to find something that is going to work for me <3
  • if you like milkshakes i have found that these really fill you up, the krushem one i drink when im feeling peckish but i know it is to late to eat, and its only 98 calories totally worth it though, fills me up for hours, takes away that hunger pain! good luck on your journey, when you start seeing results the snacking will…
  • relativity new to this, 21 and needing some motivation MFP friends <3
  • i found this was a problem for me last year when i tried to diet, its just muscle weight, it weighs nearly double fat, dont worry about weight, try measurements, ive done that and even though i have only lost 5 or 6 pounds i have lost 16 inches in total around my body 6 being from my abdomen. when you see those number go…
  • Ive been vegetarian for about 4 years, my body just rejects meat, makes me seriously ill. in the need of some advice, i really struggle with cutting down on carbs :( any suggestions on how i can do this?