MissMintyMoo Member


  • My grand parents are both sides in mid 80's and have very good health and mobility, great aunts are in their 90s, again excellent health, have independence and keep their own house None on them worked the land for a living. I only wish to lose around 10lbs, I'm still within a healthy weight range, but feel more…
  • Try focusing on healthy foods filling your calories, instead of the chocolate, bread and takeaways, unless you change to healthy eating habits you will never keep the weight off in the long run. I know you have said you are focusing on exercise but I think if you could make the change with your food I expect you'll start…
  • Great thread, my 9 year old is vegetarian, our school has banned many things from lunch, I worry about her protein intake. I had no idea jelly is protein!
  • I find it completely impossible, can't do it at all, my 9 year old on the other hand put me to shame, with front plank, then on the left, then the right and could hold it until she got bored! Heathyranne, that's good to hear as that is exactly where I am, so I will persist!
  • Thanks for your opinion, its not really excuses, what I am trying to do is find something I am going to not find so boring, torturous or tedious that I am not going to give up. Rather than an excuse I am trying to find something I will be able to build into my life that I will do and keep up, I don't want to keep doing…
  • Thanks for the replies. Firstly the feet pointing inwards was not a posture thing, it is down to the ligaments & tendons, I had exercises for feet & ankles to work on correcting it and had to have little tacks etc on the bottom of my shoes as I was not naturally rolling onto the outside edge of my foot but inside instead.…