Jeremymids Member


  • The good - I made it through the week still on track even with all of my free food & alcohol events (it was hard). My running is going really well, I even managed to squeeze in 1 gym session, 1 insanity work out & a bike ride. Not so good - The week was hard mentally, I had a bing eat on one of my days & felt awful…
  • The good - I achieved my goal of running 3 days & not drinking alcohol. I've booked a session with a personal traininer for this week at the gym. Monday- Friday, I logged my food on these days & was within my target calories. Not so good - this weekend was tough as I had a weekend of social events. Sat I was just over my…
  • I had a good first week, stayed focused & eat within my calories. I didn't hit my exercise goal having only run once (4.6 miles), but I'm not concerned about that as it was my first run in 2 weeks. I'm going to hit my running goal this week & add a gym session the following week. Not drinking alcohol has not been a problem…
  • Thanks for setting this challenge up. SW: 217 CW: 217 GW: 207 Goals this month: 1, No alcohol 2, Run 3 days a week, at least 3 miles each run 3, Go to the gym twice a week 4, Stay positive Weigh in Dates: 1/01 217 1/06 1/13 1/20 1/27 1/31-Final weight Total weight lost: Good luck everyone
  • I'm new to reading and replying to posts, but have started to get the bug! You can never have enough positive people with positive thoughts around you.
  • Support from friends and family has helped me so much. When I'm having a bad day and want to pig out, I pick up the phone to my slimming friend & she helps talk me away from the dark side! Keep up the good work and remember your not alone.