melanthalea Member


  • It's been pretty slow progress with the weight loss, but I'm okay with that. I still have over a year to lose the last 50 - 60 pounds and I feel confident that I'll be able to do that. Wedding planning is stressful, we've finally set a date and I've just about signed contracts with the hair stylist, makeup artist and…
  • This is great! Since my wedding is so far away, it put me at 56 pounds on the wedding day haha! It's definitely motivational though to see the average weekly weight loss, because somedays it feels like I haven't lost weight in forever but other weeks I go down a lot. This helps puts it into perspective.
  • Making sure I eat a big breakfast, otherwise I know I'll overindulge for lunch and then likely dinner. Drinking as much water as possible, for me this means making sure I have a bottle of water next to me at all times because I actually rarely feel thirsty so if its not there I won't drink for hours. I don't drink anything…
  • The biggest challenge is that my partner and his brother (lives with us) eat differently from me so we're always having to either make 2 different meals or one of us is eating something we didn't choose. I usually just end up eating smaller portions of what they eat but it makes grocery shopping very frustrating. They are…
  • I'm not losing weight specifically for my wedding as it's still 2 years away (don't even have the date firmed yet). But I do have to get down to around 140lb to fit into the wedding dress that my two married sisters wore. Long term I do intend to get back down to my high school weight of 125, which means all said and done…