

  • Don't go nuts with fruit, as it will store up as carbs. Of course fruit is good to eat, so don't stop eating it, just try to eat your fruit before dinner. Eating fruit as a snack post dinner is just going to store up as carbs over night.
  • You can use it the same way you use rice or bulgar. Make a stir fry with a lot of veggies, serve it over the quinoa. You can make a quinoa salad along the same lines of a bulgar wheat salad. Lots of options, just find the ingredients that you enjoy and use it with the quinoa. Quinoa is great and very healthy for you. Much…
  • I think you need to eat more calories. 1200 is low and if you are active, you will need even more. Eating too little will put your system in storage mode, which may be the issue why you aren't loosing weight.
  • What's important is to be consistent with your weigh in whether it is once a week or every two weeks. Personally I prefer to weigh in once a week on the same day around the same time. I usually have mine tuesday mornings right after I wake up.
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