

  • Love this! Everyone seems right on. Hammer shaped toes and nails that absolutely must be kept short or I'll pay for it! I'll look up tongue pads (or whatever that was) and I'll try some other shoes. It's been a long time... Are the toe condoms like the ones that they use to cushion ingrown toenails? If so, my partner has…
  • I'll add that they weren't my big toes (although those have been black before). They were the ones that are next to the big toe. Those are just about as long, but the nails are shaped differently. I've worn Asics for years, but I'll get them to let me try some of the others. Saucony was a bit too wide - back when I wore…
  • You know what? Life's too short to worry about this. If they complement me, I take it as such. What benefit is there in doing otherwise? Somedays I'm the one who is in shape and finding it easy. Others I can use all of the encouragement I can get. Whatever! If I'm running, I'm there! I'm not competing against you! Granted…
  • I focus on getting the recommended protein and at least 1200 calories. On those days where I exercise (I run and do TKD), I have to eat a lot to get the recommended protein. I avoid sugars, especially added sugars. They make me hungry. So, most of my carbs come from things like vegetables, beans and nuts. I routinely go…