Need advice on controlling hunger

Hey everyone! I've been wanting to lose about 20 lbs for a while now. I don't eat too bad. I eat a lot of healthy food and cook at home on a regular basis. I've been eating too much according to MFP. I'm having a hard time staying within the calorie goal because I'm so hungry. I eat a lot of veggies and low calorie food to help fill me up, but still having a hard time. I think I eat a lot when I am stressed and or bored. Any advice to get my mind off food?!


  • BeginningAgainMay14
    BeginningAgainMay14 Posts: 97 Member
    Boredom is a big thing for me too. I find especially in the evenings it's easy to munch, especially when the TV is on and it seems like every other ad is for food!

    What works best for me is keeping my hands you knit/sew/crochet? Scrapbook? Play an instrument? Play X-box? Something that allows you to express yourself creatively, but requires the use of both hands?

    Or I dink around on the computer, but selectively. I only go to sites that support my goal, I sit down with 32 oz of H2O and then I don't get up for anything else. Water is also very good for controlling hunger, and it's also possible that you might really be thirsty! The brain sends the same signals for hunger and thirst.

    Make sure you are getting enough protein and fat in your diet. Both of those help you feel sated longer. Also, if your low-calorie food is processed, it's possible that it could have sugar or artificial sweetener in it, both of which may make you hungry faster. It's amazing what food producers will put sugar into! Tortillas, spaghetti sauce, sour name it.
  • IllustratedxGirl
    IllustratedxGirl Posts: 240 Member
    How many calories does MFP say you should have? Mine said 1200 when I first started.. I quickly realized that is not enough ad my BMR is 1553, and I work out a lot. I raised it to 1350, and that is a lot more manageable for me. I'm a lot less hungry. Oh what a difference 150 calories will make lol!

    Someone above mentioned to check that you are getting enough protein and fiber and to streer clear of processed foods. That's very good advice
  • nyiballs
    nyiballs Posts: 147
    I consider myself a food addict, And when I started tracking on MFP, I soon realized that quantity was just as much a concern as quality.

    With that, I've developed so e tricks to control my hunger and snacking (even the bored eating). Here are some tricks that work for me.

    1. When you want a snack, eat a hot pepper. This is my most common trick. I have a high spice tolerance, so I go habanero, but there are many to choose from. Eat so etching hot enough that it burns. The effect is twofold... The spice curbs your appetite greatly. And you will drink so much water to control the burn that your hunger will go away. That brings me to:
    2. Drink tons of water and I do coffee too. Liquids fill you as much as food.., avoid high sodium drinks like diet soda and diet teas, and avoid sugary drinks. Water, power ace zero, coffee, etc. are staples and I use them when hungry.
    3. Find virtually free foods. Carrots, celery, sugar snap peas, etc. are good. But what about non veggies? I make large cups of sugar free jello (not pudding). You can have a massive cup of jello for only 20-40 kcal. That has worked great. Other ones that are ok, but not great; air popped popcorn, unsweetened applesauce, strawberry, watermelon low sugar oatmeal.
    4. Wait. Easier said than done. I get hungry or want to snack... I force myself to wait 5-10 minutes and see if the craving passes like with any other addiction. The further I have gone on my journey, the more I find that the snack cravings are temporary and go away on their own.

    Good luck!
  • MickeyCastello
    Try drinking two large glasses of water 20 - 30 minutes before each meal. It helps me feel fuller when I eat.
  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    Protein and fat discourage hunger pangs, they are quite filling!
  • CrescentCityGirl
    CrescentCityGirl Posts: 123 Member
    Edamame are great fillers too. I also enjoy drinking tea, that helps to fill me up.
  • JennyHollyHansen
    I have cut out all foods that have added sugar. So when I am craving something sweet like ice cream or chocolate bar I will mash up a banana and add cacao (natural coco without sugar) amd mix together for a smooth creamy dessert. It is amazingly delicious once you are off sugar.

    The calorie goals on here are a estimate. If you can eat more and lose weight then do it. I often eat 100 to 300 calories more than recommended and steadily lose weight.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Hey everyone! I've been wanting to lose about 20 lbs for a while now. I don't eat too bad. I eat a lot of healthy food and cook at home on a regular basis. I've been eating too much according to MFP. I'm having a hard time staying within the calorie goal because I'm so hungry. I eat a lot of veggies and low calorie food to help fill me up, but still having a hard time. I think I eat a lot when I am stressed and or bored. Any advice to get my mind off food?!
    Sounds to me you may be malnourished. Try to eat real food, a wide variety of whole foods, not primarily low calorie foods and low calorie versions of food.
  • dementedA
    dementedA Posts: 5
    I focus on getting the recommended protein and at least 1200 calories. On those days where I exercise (I run and do TKD), I have to eat a lot to get the recommended protein. I avoid sugars, especially added sugars. They make me hungry. So, most of my carbs come from things like vegetables, beans and nuts. I routinely go over on fat, but it's fat from lean meats, nuts, etc. I eat one egg a day, and I'm always scolded for too much cholesterol, but it keeps me fuller! Stay away from 100 cal snack packs and if you eat fruit, eat it with a protein, the sugar will make you hungrier!
  • mlk0812
    mlk0812 Posts: 19
    I find my hunger and cravings are greatly abated when I eat lower carb.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    If you're eating out of boredom, you're not hungry. You're just bored. Or you have cravings, but that's not hunger either... keep busy.

    And eat more protein.
  • laurenawolf
    laurenawolf Posts: 262 Member
    You will be hungry while losing weight. That is something you have to realize and accept.
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    I eat smaller portions but I eat about 5 times a day. That helps curb by hunger. Also I workout a lot so I get to enjoy more calories on those days. Also with my 3 "main" meals of the day I try to have some protein, fat and carbs (sweet potatos, veggies etc) so that seems to help with the hunger.
  • AllieWally88
    AllieWally88 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks! Yeah I do eat tons of protein and fiber. not really any processed food. I've always eaten pretty healthy, I just over eat I guess. And I REALLY like craft beer. I don't drink a lot, I only have 1 or 2 but they can be REALLY high in calories. I can't drink liquor or light beers. My husband makes beer so it's kind of hard to stay away from it sometimes.
  • AllieWally88
    AllieWally88 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks A lot! Yeah I always try to stuff myself with carrots! :)
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    If you are eating enough protein, fiber, and water, and still hungry, you need to evaluate if you're just hungry because you're getting used to eating less or if you're *really* feeling hungry because you're not eating enough. I agree with the above poster who said 1200 calories is miserable, I too had that as my goal when I first started and found it to be much too low, even with eating back exercise calories. If you are fairly active during the day your calorie goal may be too low.

    My DH is a craft brewer too, it is hard to resist!