

  • It is OK to splurge once in awhile.. I think that you will find tho that you will not be able to eat like you once did even when you splurge. I have lost 90 lbs and have kept most of it off for 4+ years and when I eat "stuff I'm not supposed to" I find that my portions are still alot smaller than they once were. If you…
  • Way to go Nicole on 114, you look fantastic. I am up to 90 lbs lost right now and it is amazing the different responses you get from different people. I also was told to stop cuz I was " losing too much" but you have to do what you feel is right. Now I am trying to shrink my skin cuz I have this clump of saggy skin as I…
  • I agree with nicolen220, there could be many reasons why people are not saying anything. Don't worry about them, you look great and keep it up as long as you are doing this for you and no one else.
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