Has anyone done this?



  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    This is how I look at things. I try to see how my thin friends eat. Do they eat pizza or ice cream?? Yep!! My one friend ate at Pizza Hut buffet and was so full and miserable all day long. I thought to myself, "hmmmm, these skinny cyborgs do over eat!!!" The difference in them and me is that I will go completely overboard. Not at just one meal, but for the whole day, FREEEEEEE DAYYYYYYYY!!!!!! Then my motivation is lacking the day after and its hard for me to get back on it because I feel defeated. So I know that I will have days that I eat like crap, but I am sure to get right back at it the next meal or I know I will lose my motivation. So eat and enjoy, just make a conscious effort to get right back at it :)
  • Blokeypoo
    Blokeypoo Posts: 274 Member
    I lost 28lbs and have been maintaining for a year. I have never banned any foods or meals/outings anyway, they get lost in the fog of being generally good if you stick to a balanced approach most of the time.

    My attitude is this - "if I feel I need a break, go mad, eat banned foods or have to come off it for a bit then I haven't made a true lifestyle change - it means I am dieting and that is what I never wanted to do again".

    Others might disagree, it's just how I frame it for me.

    ETA - it doesn't mean I don't stress about upcoming events etc, I just try to be grown up about it - THAT'S the hard bit lol.
  • It is OK to splurge once in awhile.. I think that you will find tho that you will not be able to eat like you once did even when you splurge. I have lost 90 lbs and have kept most of it off for 4+ years and when I eat "stuff I'm not supposed to" I find that my portions are still alot smaller than they once were. If you know when you are going to splurge try to get in extra exercise for the few days leading up to that day and it will not be as bad as you think it will.. Everyone is different so what works for me may not work for you.. Try a few different things and I'm sure you will find a happy medium.. Just remember if you are eating really healthy and you eat say McDonalds it is going to hit you like a ton of bricks and you may be in pain til it all gets out of your system (oh yes I speak from experience).. Only you can decide if it is worth it or not... Good luck..
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Thanks everyone. One of the reasons I ask is because normally I just take a meal, not a whole day of eating what I want. Another question, did you have a large weight gain when you took it easy?

    Sometimes, yeah. Not fat gain, but the extra sodium in restaurant food can make me bloat and that will be refected on the scale for a day or two.