

  • HI I'm 62 also and in pretty good health. I can surely understand your concern. I'd be scared but at least you are doing something about it and listening to your doctor. send me a post anytime. Maybe we can relate to each other since we are of the same age. I have IBS and acid reflux and a little high bp, otherwise I'm in…
  • My name is Jeannie and I've been using this site for some time but not introduced myself before. I'm 62 and eat too much. I eat out of boredom. I do great until about 7pm at night then I mess it all up. I have been trying to totally give up my sweet tea and sodas. Thats mostly what I'm tackling right now except for trying…
  • I could use a friend too. I'm over 60 and just began exercising but I realize I must change my diet too. My problem is I'm alone most of the time and eat out of bordom. If you'd like to become a diet buddy please chime in if you have like interests. Thanks:sad: