

  • I've been using 5 lb weights from the beginning & i'm noticing a huge difference in my strength.i'm on day 3 level 2 & can do the plamk push up no problem....but my legs are killing me today from the plank jacks. I absolutely cannot even squat down to pick up things off the floor & my abs hurt so much I find it hard to sit…
  • I skipped day 8 level 1 last night :( purely laziness & I feel horrible about it!!soooo, i'm definitey getting back to it tonight & i'm also starting 6 week 6 pack tonight. Has anyone tried it?
  • Doing day 7 level 1 today. Really lost the motivation to do day.6 yesterday, bit the thought of not being able to push through the 25 minutes made me disappointed in myself, so I did it. It's getting way easier. I only stopped for one 5 second break to slam some water into me. Noticing a difference in my strength &…
  • Just finished day 2 Level one....After yesterday my legs felt like rubber but I found I was stronger & able to do the whole thing today, only taking one 5 second break! So pumped to keep going & start seeing results. I don't have a tape measurer to take my starting measurements :( But I did take before pictures, so…
  • I just started last night! Can I be part of this challenge\support network?? :)