ollilolli Member


  • Hi Naomi, My name is Angie, and I am also a sugar addict. I have tried the whole "moderation" thing, but that doesn't work for me and sugar. I have been on MyFitnessPal since Jan, seriously since March, and I am almost to the 50 pound mark. This is the most successful I've ever been, and it's mainly because I've come to…
  • Welcome back Calgary Chick! I certainly know how frustrating it is to see pounds come back that you thought were long gone. Good for you for signing up for Curves, and getting started again! Thanks for the friend request - this trip is so much easier with others who share the same frustrations and challenges. It's also…
  • Hey! My name is Angie, and I'm looking down the long, long road at needing to lose 180 pounds. I have been messing around with "getting started" on this weight loss journey for way too long. Now, I'm playing for keeps. What helps me the most is just taking it one day at a time- the future will take care of itself. Good…