My Name's Naomi and I'm a Sugar Addict

I am 48 yrs old and addicted to sugar, refined processed food and junk. I have been addicted as long as I can remember. Sugar has always been my weakness.

Back in March I joined a weight loss group through the local hospital, I was shocked to discover my weight was 390 lbs - I thought I was closer to 375, still not good but still.

Anyway, once I joined the group I started researching nutrition information and discovered how bad sugar really is for us - that belly you can't get rid of? That's sugar!

I have tried diets over the years and nothing ever really worked, I'd lose 5 lbs and gain 10. I've worked out every day for 6 months and lost 12 pounds. Even with working out I just couldn't lose my belly.

Well this time things are different. After I started educating myself about food and what's good and not good for our bodies I decided I was going to quit sugar. It was a little rough at first - headaches for a few days, but it got better.

I've quit sugar, coffee, the majority of processed foods and no longer go out to eat except a rare occasion and then I'm picky about where I go and what I order off the menu.

My life has totally changed, I've lost almost 50 lbs and my belly is shrinking! So are my massive hips! I am thrilled to see the changes and know I can never have sugar again since I know I'm addict. Its like an alcoholic who gets sober, he knows he can't control himself around alcohol so he needs to not have any ever again. Its that way with me and sugar. I can't have it ever again.

These days if I want something sweet I eat a piece of fruit, that is the only sugar I allow myself and even then I limit how much of that I take in on a daily basis.

Anyone else quitting sugar and processed foods that might want to join me?


  • sensored44
    sensored44 Posts: 45 Member
    Congratulations to you for your success thus far and the success you will have in the future!

    I try to cut out refined foods but then I find I fail with the all or nothing mentality that I use to punish myself when I "fail"

    This time I am trying this whole weight loss thing with a different approach. If I want it, I can have it, but have to account for it and exercise it as well. Fortunately, I am not a sugar addict, rarely eat sweets etc. My weakness is night time emotional eating of salty crunch or cereal.

    Anyhow, I would like to add you and will do so.

    Keep up the good work!
  • lcransaw
    lcransaw Posts: 95
    Hi Naomi!

    Glad to see you hear. Sugar is a powerful drug. I had some ice cream on my flexible day, and I actually started nodding off at work. I felt horrible later, and I realized that for me, I can't do ice cream and heavy sugary drinks. I use to drink 2-3 biggie sweet teas a day, and I let it go. You can do it! We all can. I am glad that you are seeing positive results. I am new to the journey, so I hope to see more results soon. Feel free to add me if you want!
  • iWalkEveryday
    iWalkEveryday Posts: 8 Member
    Hey congrats. losing 50 lbs is fantastic. Surely it should motivate you to lose more. I am a bit addicted to sugar too. Especially in tea. Tried black but didn't like it. Now I drink tea with sugar but reduced intake of tea from 7 cups a day to 4.
  • Shelly_gurl79
    Shelly_gurl79 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, I'm Michelle I am back here after gaining 40 after losing 70 feel free to add me
  • A few months ago I didn't think I could live without at least two glasses of sweet ice tea from McDonald's or my morning coffee.

    Now the only beverage I have is water, I drink almost two gallons a day on average.
  • ollilolli
    ollilolli Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Naomi,

    My name is Angie, and I am also a sugar addict. I have tried the whole "moderation" thing, but that doesn't work for me and sugar. I have been on MyFitnessPal since Jan, seriously since March, and I am almost to the 50 pound mark. This is the most successful I've ever been, and it's mainly because I've come to the realization that I can't do refined sugar. I know quite a few people who can manage their weight and eat small amounts of cake, cookies, etc - I just can't. Once I start, I only stop when all the sugar is gone.

    The good news is, at least for me, when I get refined sugar out of my system, the cravings really do go away. And, like an alcoholic who is only a drink away from a relapse, I'm only a cookie away from a serious sugar binge.

    Good for you for recognizing this, and keep up the good work! I would like to be friends with you, as we have the "sugar thing" in common.
  • lsuz
    lsuz Posts: 74
    Hi Naomi -

    Feel free to add me as a friend. Yes, yes, and yes. I like to say that, "I never met a cupcake that I didn't like." :wink:

    I'm new to MFP (and if anyone reading this would like to add me as a friend that would be great, too). And I'm finding that in my forties, sugar and processed foods are the core thing standing between me and my weight loss/health goals. I've been two weeks without sugar and while I'm eating about 1,700, I'm finding that I am actually hungry. LOL. That's nuts. But here is the cool thing -- in the last two weeks, just TWO, I have also seen my body drop some water weight and ever so slightly start to look, well, less lumpy. I know it's crazy, but I CAN see it. So that is what is helping me not make sugary choices today. Tomorrow is another fight. Hopefully, someday soon it won't be a fight!

    You CAN do this!
  • lannabelle
    lannabelle Posts: 85 Member
    Hi Naomi,

    You've done so great so far. I admire how you've identified your biggest trigger and have had the discipline to cut it out and rework your lifestyle. Being here with the support of other MFP members will surely help you on the rest of your journey.

    I'd say I'm more of a food addict. I love salty and sugary foods and I have a hard time eating in moderation. There's no such thing as "just one bite" for me, I will eat something until it's gone. That's the reason why I will gain weight if I'm not logging all of my foods.

    I'm sending you a friend request. We can all use all the support we can get. :)
  • Marieevans813
    Marieevans813 Posts: 45 Member
    I have recognized that I have the same problem, but I have not been successful in giving it up yet. I know I need to though!! Good luck!!
  • Isuz - the cravings will gradually disappear and you will get to the point where the thought of a sugary treat makes you a bit ill to your stomach.

    Iannabelle - I think I eat more than I did before I started all this. What I've decided is that I will not eat anything that is not nutrient dense - no more empty calories for me. I fill up on veggies and fruit and really don't feel deprived at all.
  • Marie the reason its so hard to give up sugar and processed foods are because the food industry puts chemicals and additives to those foods to make you crave more of them.

    Plus did you know that sugar and processed foods only fill up about one fourth of your stomach and goes through you quickly so you are still hungry shortly after eating. Meat fills up about half of your stomach, slows down your digestive process and anything you ate after the meat is going to sit there for awhile (sometimes up to 3 days depending on the meat and how much of it you ate).

    But if you eat whole foods - vegetables, fruit and whole grains - a little bit goes a long way and fills you up completely.

    I juice a couple of times a day and that helps me as well.
  • cheflavia
    cheflavia Posts: 4 Member
    Good for you!, I'm addicted to sugar and breads mm I'll try your recipe 0 !!
  • KardioKim
    KardioKim Posts: 160 Member
    Hi and congratulations!

    Those habits are so hard to break but when you can, it is so empowering.

    Feel free to add me.

    We're all in this together.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I am 48 yrs old and addicted to sugar, refined processed food and junk. I have been addicted as long as I can remember. Sugar has always been my weakness.

    Back in March I joined a weight loss group through the local hospital, I was shocked to discover my weight was 390 lbs - I thought I was closer to 375, still not good but still.

    Anyway, once I joined the group I started researching nutrition information and discovered how bad sugar really is for us - that belly you can't get rid of? That's sugar!

    I have tried diets over the years and nothing ever really worked, I'd lose 5 lbs and gain 10. I've worked out every day for 6 months and lost 12 pounds. Even with working out I just couldn't lose my belly.

    Well this time things are different. After I started educating myself about food and what's good and not good for our bodies I decided I was going to quit sugar. It was a little rough at first - headaches for a few days, but it got better.

    I've quit sugar, coffee, the majority of processed foods and no longer go out to eat except a rare occasion and then I'm picky about where I go and what I order off the menu.

    My life has totally changed, I've lost almost 50 lbs and my belly is shrinking! So are my massive hips! I am thrilled to see the changes and know I can never have sugar again since I know I'm addict. Its like an alcoholic who gets sober, he knows he can't control himself around alcohol so he needs to not have any ever again. Its that way with me and sugar. I can't have it ever again.

    These days if I want something sweet I eat a piece of fruit, that is the only sugar I allow myself and even then I limit how much of that I take in on a daily basis.

    Anyone else quitting sugar and processed foods that might want to join me?

    this is exactly what I've done (except for the coffee... and I'm thinking about that). I cut all junk food and sugar and my cravings disappeared. If I want something sweet I eat an apple. I also feel the way you do about eating out.... it's almost scary and a minefield I have to plan around, but I'm getting better.
  • jeannemarie333
    jeannemarie333 Posts: 214 Member
    Hi Naomi!

    Best wishes to you :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks for the warm welcomes everyone.
  • Great job I'm really happy for you. Keep up the good work and keep drinking that water!
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    I have to admit - my first inclination was to say "welcome Naomi"...

    Anyway, I'm a good supporter, cheerleader and rarely would I be critical - the bullies on here make me nuts...

    I'm good with nutrition and a know about a fair variety of diets - friend me and I'll have your back no matter what.

    I have over a hundred to lose - but my first goal is Onderland :)
  • wideeyedla
    wideeyedla Posts: 138 Member
    I'm with you. For me, sugar and other white things are like crack. I have had days in my life that were protein free. No more :)
    Nice to meet you. Good work!
  • 519harley
    519harley Posts: 241 Member
    I am SO Happy for you!!! Congratulations and I wish you the best. Would you mind if I added you to my friends list so I can watch your wonderful progress? Let me know okay. If not, its okay. WTG!!! :flowerforyou: